My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

This morning I awoke to find a startling site...

Minnie had managed to get back into the side that Maximus is in and had once again evicted him from his home....

So I thought that was it, I was going to have to pull both stomatopods out of the tank, remove the divider and realign the 2 sheets, originally I had the 2 sheets exactly level with one another thereby allowing passage through the eggcrate gaps if she was small enough (which she obviously is as I have seen her squeeze through). To prevent this I offset the sheets essentially halving the eggcrate gaps, this was my backup plan all along as It worked for me previously with the 2 animals.

Whilst I was removing them from the compartment I did Maximus first because he was already in the open and looking for a place to hide but due to his larger size nothing was really doing him I took him out and put him in the species tank I had ready, then I went to evict Minnie from the rock she stole off Maximus and noticed something that I thought was a bad idea....

She is pregnant again, has a larger cluster of eggs in her 'mouth' and is holding them greedily she wouldn't come out of the rock and I didn't want to really do anything to really disrupt the pregnancy...

Nonetheless I realized I had started and therefor had to finish so I swiftly and calmly poked her in the butt a few times forcing her out and into the species container (no pics didn't want added stress but I'll get pics soon) once she was in the species container I basically scooped her straight out and put her into her designated side of the compartment (left) she instantly went to HER rock and is now with in resting after the ordeal, after her I put Maximus back into his side with HIS rock which he dove rite into, likely happy to have it back again :D.

I check Minnies species container for loose eggs etc but found nothing so I think the whole process was ok for her, she does have a large cluster this time looked half her size but I think there VERY new eggs cause there so small...I took a photo of a cluster a while back and the eggs were quite large (which makes me think that they were about to hatch) and she wasn't carrying them...but still guarding them.

Anyway more to come as there tank clears up so I can get pics :)
Here are a couple pics :)

A happy Maximus, to have his home back and butt under cover :P

A pregnant Minnie she is quite fiesty rite now typical of also I don't know whether I like or dislike the white fluff of something at the front of her cavity but as you can see in this pic and in the position she is in (with an imagination) the first thing I think of is those wigs that the Judges and Supreme Court lawyers wear =) 'Supreme Court Justice Minnie' :D

More to come :)
Here is my latest movie :) it is a small dedication to a game I use to play called Warcraft (I basically stopped playing when I started my tanks up...) the basis of the movie is my footage using the sounds/voices from the cinematic trailer to an expansion of the game called 'The Burning Crusade', if you watch the cinematic trailer before my video it will hopefully make more sense or at least show some similarities as aimed for :D.

(Again 1080p HD)

The Original Cinematic/Trailer
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

My Cinematic/Trailer
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

More to come :D
Noticed some banging about in the compartment that houses Maximus & Minnie so I jumped up in hopes that it wasn't Minnie inside his den again, luckily it wasn't but it was something startling nonetheless :D Maximus showed his dark side once again and has either dug up or pounced on an unsuspecting crab...I didn't place the crab in there today nor can I remember when I did (there normal reaction when alive is to bury themselves instantly so some do get away, initially as you can see).

I also heard banging from STAND A to find none other then Adam taking it to a hermit crab that are abundant in there tanks, Adam recently came out of a molt and is once again showing his fearless reputation towards the camera!

More to come! :D
Saw at LFS Ric's for sale all very small around thumbnail sized and all Orange (no other colors) all 8-10 of them were around $1250...

Came home...

Got online and first site I found ( was an ad at top of this forum.

Down the bottom of that page I linked...
Ricordea 10 Pack $140 Sale!! $95
Ricordea 15 Pack $195 Sale!! $135
Ricordea 25 Pack $300 Sale!! $220
Ricordea 50 Pack $550 Sale!! $450
Ricordea 100 Pack $1,000 Sale!! $850

Typing this on my I-pad as I sit on my roof and contemplate whether to jump or not...:lol2:

You know originally I really would of NEVER considered moving to the states but if there ever was a reason...the marine aquarium would be it. :)
Buy me a plane ticket and I will bring all the Rics you could want! My local club does ric group buys every couple months. They are usually $6-7 each for some really awesome colors.
That's the first time I have ever read an Aussie say move to the states for better corals lol. But I see your point. Go out to the biggest reef on the planet dive for a couple hours get real tired from the dive then tells us that you'd still rather move here for our corals. Come visit the states I'll take you out for a ride and show you better reasons to move here. Lol my door is open to you brother
That's the first time I have ever read an Aussie say move to the states for better corals lol. But I see your point. Go out to the biggest reef on the planet dive for a couple hours get real tired from the dive then tells us that you'd still rather move here for our corals. Come visit the states I'll take you out for a ride and show you better reasons to move here. Lol my door is open to you brother

Ah there is much to like and dislike about america....I have been to the great barrier reef and from a home aquarium perspective, it's heart braking to watrch it get torn up to be sold but not actualy offered to those that live in the country first (gets shipped inetrnationally).

I certainly do plan on visiting the states in the future.
I've done a rough calculation on how much it will cost me to do all the upgrades along with add plenty of coral for stock.

around 5k
Buy me a plane ticket and I will bring all the Rics you could want! My local club does ric group buys every couple months. They are usually $6-7 each for some really awesome colors.

I don't think that would work ='[ LOL

Yeah I see loads of U.S. Ric's / Ultra Grade Morphs going for pocket change, when your Ric's get quite large along with hosting sometimes 6-8 colors...and there asking only $17 or something that makes me pull a Ren & Stimpy face....

Cause for the same quality (size/color) down here, your looking at $300-$400e.a. :headwalls:

I might go on and on about this but its the truly massively price difference that I just cannot get my head around, I cannot find anything else or any reason as to.....WHY?!? People say that "They have probably been growing for a long time" I ask them if that is the case why is no one here in Australia doing it because lets face it a huge frag tank 8x2x1 full of Ric's that sell for $300-$400 ea. well....the stock in that tank alone would be through the roof....

Estimating here, 8foot Long x 2foot wide x 1foot tall frag tank, each Ric is 2inchs in diameter, each Ric is ultra grade quality and therefor between $300-$400.

Based on the estimated footprint of the tank (8foot x 2foot) and based of the size of the Ric's (2inchs) I estimated that you could fit around 576 Ric's on the bottom of this tank, 576 ultra grade Ric's at $300-$400 each equals....$172,800 - $230,400.

I have a few videos to upload but in the meantime here are a few pics.

This afternoon when I got home from work I was greeted by The Leviathan at a large window he has made but when I went for the camera he backed off and back up to his normal guard position at burrow entrance, nonetheless this is a large window, 4inchs long by 3inchs high.

As a side note one of my stomatopods was really fired up this smaller O.scyllarus (peacock) The Kraken was on full threat alert lol...def con 5...he was charging the camera when I tried to do close ups.... Second pic is my fav not only is he "flippin' me the bird" but he is also giving me 'the evil eye' as you can clearly see...

As I said I have a few videos to upload...Minnie, Maximus, The Kraken, Morgoth & The Leviathan all have new content :D not yet released...

More to come!
After keeping my Lysiosquillina sulcata (Morgoth) for a while now he has blessed me with a second 'complete' set of claws after his last molt, when I woke up this morning and turned the tank lights on 1 by 1 I noticed "stuff" aroudn the burrow entrance of Morgoth upon blowing some sand away I noticed the distinct sharp spines of claws and gasped hoping they were "whole", they certainly are (at least dactyl, which is the part I want most).

Here are all 4, the top 2 are the most recent whilst the bottom 2 are from months ago (I think around 6-8months ago).

More to come
I know this movie doesn't have that much "stomatopod" in it but it is meant to be a teaser / build up, trailer to what I am making which is based around it...Stomatopods taking over the world and ending humanity. :lol2:

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Like I said it's a teaser and I didn't really "want" to reveal to much (if any) stomatopod related content...

Hope you like

Looks like your original dimensions is not available in the first thread. Could you tell me the dimensions of your Smithi tanks. Having a bit of a shuffle around an looking at my options. Thanks
Looks like your original dimensions is not available in the first thread. Could you tell me the dimensions of your Smithi tanks. Having a bit of a shuffle around an looking at my options. Thanks

I based the Liter for each species off the site "Roy's List" the tanks housing G.smithii are 600mmL x 300mmW x 350mmH divided into 2 equal halves.

Hope this helps
Here is my latest film and something that put's together what I started with, to what I have now. Summing things up in a nice easy to watch and understandable (hopefully enjoyable) video. (albeit there is no filtration discussion in the vid).

HD1080 capability
<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Also have a new member to my crew incoming :lol: it's a smasher about small sized between 50mm-75mm long, I have it's compartment all setup and ready to go =) I evicted Shockwave(G.falcatus) out of his compartment (never should of put him up so high due to his reclusive nature) and thus freed his compartment for the new arriving crew member :) mostly due to the fact that it's easier to view the middle tank & top tank thus leaving the bottom tank/compartments for the more reclusive animals that I acquire.

More to come =D
Man this set up is amazing. I absolutely love mantis shrimps. I had one awhile back when I first started reef keeping and plan to get a peacock in the near future. I'm pretty new to this site but have been around marsh and hfb for awhile and never seen anything like this.