Today is a sad day in the Ultimate Multi Mantis system....a crew member has been lost and is making it's way down to see old hob in the locker ='[....
There is one "upside" (if you can call a death that) to this...
Usually when I get home from work and open the door to where my systems are, I am greeted by most of the animals, either by them hitting things rapidly or by just coming out of there cavities and approaching the front of there compartment.
Something was odd today, the air was thick with tension....
I looked into STAND A and so no signs of anything I moved to STAND B and again nothing was wrong, even the L.colemani seems to be settling more rather then act so cowardly around me...then I got to STAND C my large spearer stand holding both Morgoth & The Leviathan.....nothing wrong in that stand....
Then upon looking into the Live Food tank I witnessed my first stomatopod passing ='[ 1 of the 4 'Squillids' has succumbed to something, there is NOTHING in the Live Food tank that can predate them or even harm them (no crabs etc. just tiny fish). I'm not 110% certain that it is dead but it doesn't react to me and the feint signs of movement might just be flow.
The other 3 seem totally fine, no signs of wear and tear (this dead one looks tattered and unhealthy).
Although this death hasn't affected me as much as it would the others that I have named etc. it has hit me hard as this is the first stomatopod I have kept that has died in my care ='[ I do NOT know why this has happened, nor do I suspect foul play from the other 3 'Squillids' although it's totally possible it was.
sad :sad1: but like I said, because I have not grown attached to these new inhabitants yet, the loss wouldn't be 1/10th as bad as me loosing 'say'....Maximus, I will probably curl over and cry when that happens ='[ and it will
I promied myself that for every stomatopod I keep long term that dies in my care I would post a video in dedication to it alone with all the footage I have as a bit of a memory to the animal, I don't feel compelled to do it with this "Squillid" and am glad that I am not attached to them like I am all my others...
Loosing the L.colemani will likely hurt a but ='[ but loosing Morgoth would be a heart wrencher...
It's a sad day in the ultimate multi mantis system :sad1: