My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

Pictures of Rockys (G.graphurus) new compartment :D

First thought a comparison FCS (full compartment shot) of OLD VS NEW, since Rocky was already residing within my first design of DIY PVC burrow.

Here is his old compartment take note of the PVC itself, was 1 coat of glue and substrate due to difficulty of laying just the 1 it's easy to see the PVC through the glue & substrate...see the entry and exit holes have white patches of PVC showing where the substrate and glue either didn't get done I also neglected to add a little glue and substrate to the insides of the PVC at the entry/exits so it's easy to see the PVC in his old burrow...Not to mention the 4 entry exits at the front were basically pressed against the front of the tank, making access very difficult for the stomatopod.

This is the new compartment much more time was taken into the glue & substrate side of things and even though it was a really tight the end the whole thing fit snuggly into place, I then put the substrate back in but only about half of it/ just enough to bury the lower portion of the PVC DIY burrow. Overall this is a much nicer looking frame with loads of room at every entry/exit point for the stomatopod to enter/exit or build/block, not only that but the whole frame only takes up 1/2 of the tank leaving the entire front half free swim space, best of all I bumped up the PVC diameter from 25 mm (old frame) to 32mm making it easier for the stomatopod to move around within (they like to flip and reverse themselves).

Not the greatest pic as I am still trying to work things out with my new camera :) either way I think it looks much better and considering it took him mere minutes to gain the courage to enter (and never leave) lets me think that he is very happy with it as well :D, he can see anywhere in the compartment from the entry/exit points and having so many various levels of them allows so many different vantage points for offensive/defensive behavior.

Here are a few more random shots of the compartment.

Rocky (G.graphurus) sitting and inspecting the top most entry/exit point.

Zoomed out a little I can get him and the pair of zoa colonies in the same shot.

Here he is at the right raised entry/exit point, with the pair of Acan colonies above him, really want to learn how to take photos of Acans, so far they have proven to be the most difficult coral to capture colors real life they look totally different..Green,pink,red,yellow & blue all fluro and really bright!

This is a shot of the acans under only blue lights, I am trying to manually white balance the camera under the blue lighting but it doesn't want to play ball...

Here is a shot of the new Hammer I got, it's a "reverse" style having purple tips (although they look brown in the pic...-_-) and with fluro electric green stems, hard to pass up...

More to come as I work out this new camera more!
Here is a better shot of one of the Acan clusters :) might need to tilt the other one a bit for better shots as each polyp seems smaller.

More to come as I have started to get the white balance on my camera adjusted :)
Here is another shot of the acan cluster above with the white balance set better.

Another shot but of both Acans this time and a Birds eye view from above tank with all powerheads/flow switched off temporarily.
That looks great, Kharn. He seems very pleased with his upgraded home. Acans are very difficult to capture with pictures. They never look nearly as good as they do in real life.

That looks great, Kharn. He seems very pleased with his upgraded home. Acans are very difficult to capture with pictures. They never look nearly as good as they do in real life.



One of my passions about Ric's and mushies in general extends from the ease of ability to capture magnificent photos along with the ease and relatively lower requirements for keeping them the only bummer is that to get Ultra Premium Grade Ric's need to fork over hundreds for a tiny 1.5inch dia Ric....

On the other side of the spectrum I love Acans just as much and what boosts this love for them is they are relatively cheap :D my Ultra Premium Grade 'fragments' were only $50 & $60 ea the only bummer is that it's very difficult to capture them in photography :(....

Imagine....1 whole DIY PVC burrow crusted over with Ultra Premium Grade Acans.....granted who knows how long that would would be pants changing material :D!
Have you kept many corals in the past?

I did have my original 4foot tank which held Morgoth for half a year as a reef tank however I never kept SPS only LPS/Polyp/Mushies, things like Zoa's, Hammer/Anchor/Torch/Helio Funiga, Duncans, Ric's, Rhodactis, Mushies of all sorts, Xenia (although I have had mixed success...) Acans & Blastos.

I even ventured into a clam once and at first I was really nervous not thinking I knew enough on how to keep them....the little clam was in my nano and of all the things in the nano that perished the clam thrived on...only reason why I gave it too my mate was back after I took the nano apart I was taking the 4footer apart too so had no where for the clam or any of my corals.

The 3 footer and sump playing host to all the stomatopods was divided and choc full of compartments let alone no direct light upon the tank so no way could I keep corals in there.

I want my upgrades to essentially allow me to keep coral with confidence :) and from the 3 major groups Soft/LPS & SPS, although any SPS I am looking at is going to be 'for beginners' / 'hardy for an SPS' like Dallas frags/birdsnest etc.

The plan all along was for optimal placement when it came down to the actual DIY PVC frame, substrate level/ lowest plateaus would host Softies/Polyps/Mushies whilst the mid level plateau(s) would host LPS and the upper most plateau(s) hosted SPS.

I'm still shifting things about as nothing is set in stone rite now (haven't glued/gummed anything in place yet).
Been doing a lot of thinking about the upgrades incoming and just 'exactly' what I need, so far I estimated the total costs to be around $5300 which considering what I have planned is a rather good figure specially considering how I have seen top of the line reef lights for $5k+ alone....

This is the list so far of upgrades mostly equipment based haven't taken into account the extra live rock & substrate for the Refugiums as there will be a fair haul of it, it also doesn't take into account the multiple sumps however it should be noted that all 3 bottom sumps / equipment sumps are just rimless aquariums, nothing else and the 2 refugiums are similarly simple, they have a hole in 1 corner where the return PVC pipe will go through along with a fixed divider in the middle of the tank and the front pane of glass in each Refugium has a pair of lips for water to cascade/overflow down and into the display tanks, so overall I don't actually expect the sumps to cost much themselves (my 1000mLx300mmWx350mmH was only $120 and it's got 2 chambers + drip tray and other raised parts).

3 x LifeReef HOB Overflows with Silencers & Spare Siphon Tubes
Total = $450 (not inc. Freight)

3 x Tunze DOC Skimmer 9011
3 x TLF Kalkwasser Reactor 300 (undecided)
3 x TLF Phosban Reactor 550
Total = $1900 (not inc. Freight)

16 x Tunze Turbelle Nano Stream 6016
3 x Eheim Compact Plus 2000
Total = $1400 (not inc. Pumps for Reactors or Freight)

6 x 12x3W LED - CREE
2 x 24x3W LED - CREE
2 x 60x3W LED - CREE
Total = $1550 (not inc. Freight)

Still not 110% confident in the whole design of the Return pipe & Refugiums...the only way I can rest easy is to make a mock setup with square plastic containers, make a couple of refugiums, displays etc, basically what I have now and see how it runs...
Here is a video I made basically a compilation of a few of the various recordings I have of the Leviathan (L.maculata) along with music from the movie Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows, the music was taken from the scene where the holmes, watson and the gypsies are running through the forest to get away from the Germans it's also the scene more commonly referenced as the one for the slow motion effects done by 'the slow mo guys'.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hope you enjoyed
There has GOT to be a cheaper, more efficient way to achieve what you're after.

Tell folks approx what u have tied into the "Ultimate System" already Kharn.
There has GOT to be a cheaper, more efficient way to achieve what you're after.

With so many tanks regrettably there is no real other option...One of the expensive parts are not getting done to STAND C (a.k.a lighting) due to tanks not hosting corals.

Having said what I quoted above I also have made things slightly cheaper and brought the total estimated costs (minus sumps) down to $3500ish.

Downgraded on the amount of lights (per tank instead of per compartment) so 6 instead of 10 and getting different lights (same brand) need to be LED, they have to be for power usage and maintenance sake. Got to get better power heads, 1 per compartment and 2 per tank without compartments all up 16, only want those I can trust specifically with magnets (have been running with a Tunze for over a year now and running like the day I got it, low consumption to 3.5w).

None of the refugiums are getting new lights (they will use the current ones I have over the displays just dodgy LEDs) and none of the refugiums will have powerheads, I mean...they shouldn't have far as I am concerned it's a calm environment for macro/micro flora/fauna.

The 3 big 'whammys' are the 6 lights ($700 naturally a BARGAIN! as far as premade LED fixtures go) the 3 skimmers (around 1k) and the 16 powerheads (also around 1k).

Want to kind of have more tanks because more tanks means more compartments for more stomatopods I am just fiddling around too make sure there is enough room for it all :).

Tell folks approx what u have tied into the "Ultimate System" already Kharn.

I would estimate $15k+ and more incoming xD
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A few things have changed in Rockys (G.graphurus) compartment mostly with the placement of corals.

Basically I moved the 2 Zoa colonies from their plateaus in Rockys compartment and placed them on the substrate, in place of where the Zoas use to be on plateaus I placed my Superman Rhodactis with Electric Green rims on the lowest plateau which acts as a bit of a door/door mat for that entry/exit. I also removed the 2 hammers from the largest plateau at substrate level and replaced them with the large Elephant Ear Morphs, the xenia & goni came out and went into different compartments mostly due to not showing good signs of health...(if they don't open / get healthier their going to my mates reef), a large fluffy morph replaced the xenias spot (below the acan pair) and a small blasto colony was placed on the top most plateau where a pair of Zoa colonies were.

Overall layout now - Someone spent the night in the the Penthouse suite!

With the Goni not looking too good I removed it from behind the Ric's and placed more Ric's on the bench turning it into a full Ric only bench.

Here are the Blastos that replaced the Zoas on the upper most plateau.

The Elephant Ear morphs now in place where the hammers use to reside, the big brown one has unintentionally covered the flaw on the plateau (where I had to cut it after substrate & glue, only on extreme side views like this can you see it, front on the rim of the big brown elephant morph hangs over this enough to hide it.

The Fluffy Mushie that replaced the Xenia which resides below the Acans

My attempt at cropping an image to cut the out of focus areas out, still a bit blurry in detail...hopefully a true macro lens will fix it.

Finally the Superman Rhodactis with Electric Green Rims now in place at the lowest entry/exit and rite in front (rather then to the side), Rocky often charges out of the door when I'm talking photos and stands intimidatingly over the Mushies to ward me off.

Speak of the he is doing the exact thing I mentioned, after taking the photo he came charging out to scare me off his new home which I can only assume he really likes due to his increased aggression (I take it as him wanting to stay in it more a.k.a liking it), defending his prized mushies too!

More to come
Although this isn't 'much' it is a start as far as the upgrades go....

2x TLF 150 reactors :) I have had them for a while now just never used them because the plan was to use them in the upgrade (need 1 more).

More to come, going up to my LFS shortly to browse through their Mushie selection to hopefully find some more of those Superman Rhodactis types :D
A few more pics

This is my plain hammer (1 color throughout), this is with both white and blue LEDs on.

Reverse Frogspawn Green Stems & Purple Tip.

Frogspawn Green Tip & Purple Stems.

2 of the 3 Supermaniac Rhodactis again got these for a steal at only $7.95 e.a. :D (rather then $40 else where).

Finally there are 3 different Morph types in this pic with the far left 1 being mostly cut out due to it being a common green one but with orange pok a dots (the pok a dots is why I got it :P) the other on the far right is a purple type with a dark green star/flower pattern over it just like the Supermaniac Rhodactis but different colors and slightly larger...however none compare to the tiny morph in the center...the Fluro yellow/green tiny morph that I thought was fresh dead coral :D...can't wait to see this little bright beauty get larger!

FCS (Full Compartment Shot) take note, even though that tiny fluro morph is basically the size of a pinky still stands out even in the FCS shot! :D

More to come! :D
The Leviathan threatens his potential prey scaring it (and me) half to death, a very threatening intimidating display of power and aggression, it's only a matter of time...nothing living has ever came out of that compartment.

Dead prepared food all round for the smashers this evening and of them all I only captured Nicole & Tintin my 2 G.ternatensis on camera, nonetheless some is better then none :D



More to come :)
The Lord & Master of STAND C turns his gaze from prey to keeper...for the first time The Leviathan has threatened me directly with an intimidating display, since the spearers raptorial appendages are much larger then a smashers, this whole threatening pose is altogether larger and more intimidating...

Who said large spearers weren't interactive ?