Well Morgoth proved to shy for the mullet last night and rather then just cave in and offer something smaller, I denied him food altogether, I am next to positive that tonight he will take the mullet.
Today my brother and I went for another cast mostly because the weather was so good today, even though it was raining yesterday whilst we fished, we still caught over a dozen fish. However today was another event altogether....
This time there was much more fish at least 2-3 dozen along with 3 large sand crabs
each sandy was caught in the cast net 1 after the other...which made us laugh a bit seeing as we were casting into mud not sand.
All in all the live food system is now well and truly choc full, overstocked easily but well none of these fish will live much longer due to the spearers.
Sand Crab
Sometimes (due to reasons beyond my knowledge) a fish will perish in the live food tank, whether it was injured during capture, injured in the live food tank, sick/illness, or just stress from over crowding. Either way NOTHING goes to waste...nutrients for the stomatopods is also nutrients for their food such as the crabs, this afternoon I found a whiting dead in the live food tank with its tail partially consumed by the smaller crabs in that tank, I swiftly removed the corpse and placed it into the large aggressive crab tank, where a box crab grabbed it before it got a chance to hit the bottom, it's surprising to see how fast a crab can consume a large body of food.
As you can see every stomatopod is covered with the choice of live food, from small smashers to large spearer.
I'll be busy tonight :lol2: more to come....MUCH more