My Ultimate Multi Mantis System(s)

Tried to capture The Leviathan (L.maculata) just then on High Speed but I failed once again...I'm not sure why I keep missing (as opposed to other spearers) but I have tried many things and it is very frustrating, I likely won't see him for at least a week.
Hey Kharn!

Havent been on in a while. Good to see that your system is still going strong!

I've been with it since the beginning.

Keep up the great work!
Hey Kharn!

Havent been on in a while. Good to see that your system is still going strong!

I've been with it since the beginning.

Keep up the great work!

Good to see you back again :) The system lives on and will continue to live on in the years to come! I hope you stick with it till my end ;)...
Just found this Eunicid worm in the Top Tank of STAND B in its left compartment, where Minnie & Maximus (G.graphurus) reside, its quite long at over 6inchs.

Unsure what I plan to do, rite now I am not in any real worry as I personally believe that if it were to cross with either Minnie or Maximus, then it would be killed and perhaps consumed.
Bit of an Update and flooding of Pics, I will break them up into 2 parts, Stomatopods & Coral etc.

First up a few crew members I captured tonight on camera going about their daily events.

Adam & Eve (G.smithii)

Nicole & Tintin (G.ternatensis)

Megatron (G.chiragra)

Rocky (G.graphurus)

Morgoth (L.sulcata)

More to come :)
Continuing on to the other things :)

First up the random coral pics I took this evening!

Torch Euphyllia

Hammer/Anchor Euphyllia


Acanthastrea Lordhowensis

Ricordea Yuma


More to come :D
Finally since this evening was a little STAND A based I figured an overall shot would be handy also allowing me to detail just how well the Top Tank has turned into a Refugium :D!

Once the filtration upgrade is completed and sumps installed the stands should become very healthy systems and with the Refugiums being above the Coral tanks well...all that micro yummy life has only one place to travel down...

Refugium of STAND A, Eve is in the left compartment with the vast Macro Algae forest, whilst Adams compartment on the right is just starting to grow.

Full Display Stand Shot

The only difference in STAND B and its Top Tank Refugium is that because Minos (L.colemani) inhabits half this tank whilst Minnie & Maximus (G.graphurus) share the other half with a lot of Macro Algae and Live Rock, point is you could call it a split Refugium/DSB, the 2 smashers have the Macro Algae whilst the lone spearer gets the 4inch deep sand bed, best of both worlds :D, specially since STAND B holds the 2 O.scyllarus.

More to come :uzi:
My Ric Bench :D! I know what your thinking...pathetic rite xD ? Well I don't live in a country where I can buy big phat colorful Ric's for pocket change :X lol...these Ric's were $35 a pop and none bigger then your thumbnail.

But I love them and I can't wait to have my planned tank just FILLED with expensive large colorful Yumas :D, I decided to turn The Krakens (O.scyllarus) whole tank into a full Yuma garden, this will take time and cost a LOT of money since my plan is simple...I want to see NOTHING other then Yumas, no substrate, rock, structure, nothing but YUMAS! :D and a couple of random dark holes amongst the Yumas (burrow entrance/exits).

The sight of seeing a very colorful O.scyllarus shoot out from a very colorful garden of Yumas is something that I live to witness :), if I lived in the states...this would already be done.


Personally I see R.floridas as a much nicer looking overall Ric perhaps its because bright colorful large ones in the states are so cheap therefor appealing not sure...either way I love all Ric's and can't wait to see The Kraken crawling amongst a garden of equal color.

More to come!
More photos :D....LOTS more! As I did a little snack treat for most of the smashers this evening:lolspin:...

Up first are the two G.smithii - Adam & Eve
Interesting evening, both were extremely active in their green gardens of caulerpa algae, Eve is certainly the larger and more bolder of the two individuals however both exhibit something that NO OTHER stomatopod under my care has...and that is a very vigilant reaction to my cameras focusing light, it's a small green light that comes up as I hold the button down.

For some reason every time I do this both G.smithii dart off so quickly nothing on the camera is caught, however due to this nature I am capable of getting some really nice images, they are still curious and don't dart off far just around something, so I often can get a shot of them poking their curious eyes around that corner, they swiftly return a few seconds later and will repeat this over a dozen times, simultaneously.



Up Next G.ternatensis :D
These two little G.ternatensis are starting to really become one with their own compartments and are utilizing all entry and exit points taking advantage of the ability to pop up at any level undetected, for some reason Nicole has spurted in growth significantly over Tintin (who originally a while back bullied her into a corner when they shared a compartment, something I think would be reverse now...). I keep a keen eye on their growth as they are a pair of individuals that have great potential when they get larger.



Up next is Megatron (G.chiragra), Rocky (G.graphurus) was out of action due to molting me thinks.
Megatron (G.chiragra) is a real badass when it comes to fearless aggression, he will come out at the first sign of food and swim directly towards it (living or dead) latching on and pummeling away until he needs a quick rest, then darts back into his rock and algae encrusted home, seconds later he returns to continue, during his barrage he will not stop until tired and darting off briefly, I once lifted him out of the water whilst he still clung to the food offered on the skewer.


Up next is Minnie & Maximus :)
Minnie & Maximus (G.graphurus) continue to thrive side by side and so does their now fully grown algae forests, what was once a barren place of only rubble and a single large rock, is now nothing but a swaying field of caulerpa algae with the odd pair of eyes poking out from within, Minnie recently molted and hadn't been seen for over a week (due to taking down a large fish and consuming a large quantity of it (all I got back was a head, the body was easily her own size), she is now bigger and badder then ever!



Finally to finish off the evening, The Kraken & The Juggernaut are up next!
Being larger then any other previous smasher both The Kraken & The Juggernaut (O.scyllarus) would of only had a very simple snack at most out of these small morsels, both took the food offered with ease and yearn to be put back into the heat of combat against live large crabs!



Well I'm off to bed hope you like the pics :), night!
Molts have begun within STAND B, Minnie being the first about 2 weeks ago and Minos having followed a few days ago.

Lately Minos has been excavating along the entire front of his compartment creating a 8inch long x 2inch tall window for great viewing.

More to come :D
The Juggernaut, has died.

May 31st 2012 - September 6th 2013

It came large, lived large and died large.

I have no regrets, I am placing it down to old age... the time has finally come to find out just how big it REALLY is. :)

Old age simply because, it looks very healthy, it molted recently, took food 4 days ago (check pics above) and none of the other Stomatopods within STAND B are acting out of the ordinary.

Pics and more to come (after I finish dinner).
Well here lay the Juggernaut, it was the largest of my Smashers within the Stomatopod crew...motionless, lifeless, it is a somewhat sad sight to see the once mighty O.scyllarus now reduced to nothing.

You can see in the pictures that it died fat and healthy, all of it's appendages are in place, in tact and brightly colored, the only sign I found of something bad was the early warnings of a small patch of Shell Rot coming through on the carapace, hardly enough to kill the large O.scyllarus, I have seen still living O.scyllarus with FAR FAR worse Shell Rot, not too mention this large O.scyllarus came to me with bad Shell Rot which has since disappeared.

And yes I more then knew all along that not only was The Juggernaut a female but the still living Kraken is as well, as is Morgoth (L.sulcata).

Finally the question on my mind (and maybe yours to) that I have wanted to had answered ever since I opened the box with this gargantuan smasher inside...160mm long from tip of eyes to tip of telson, not bad for an old girl.

Nearly a 4inch wide Uropod and Protopod extension, for size referencing across the world I placed the large smasher beside a small lighter as well.

Here are so more random shots taken throughout the process.

More to come with many more pics of the unfortunate demise for the Juggernaut, I can't help but admit and you may find it written in this thread somewhere, how I was always paranoid about this individuals 'time left in the world' being so large in my eyes meant that it was an old soldier.
Continuing with the images of the fallen giant smasher...

Well that's it for now, there will be more pics to come later as I have this beast frozen whilst I contemplate what to do with the body long term, rite now it's a toss up between having it somehow placed inside a clear block of 'resin' appendages extended dactyl tips out, or maybe something more extreme where I can have it 'stuff' and placed into some sort of glass container on like a fake diorama I'm not sure but, I did think long ago, of one day when BOTH The Leviathan (L.maculata) and The Juggernaut passed on but their bodies kept in good condition, to have them stuffed, then placed in a tank for a diorama where the two are locked in a battle on a fake sea floor.

Either way I think it's clear that in death they will not disappear... :)