My wood tank build

Things are running great. New skimmer is breaking in. I've been working on rock structure and am about 60% finished. I'll get some photos up soon.
Skimmer breaking in.


HM100 Nielsen reactor.

nielsen reactor.jpg

Right 60% of tank.

right side.jpg

Left 40% of tank.

left side.jpg

Fish like the rock work.


I like this foxface.


And I really like this guttatus tang.


Should finish the rock in the next few weeks. Another skimmer will come on line in the same time frame.
This should be a manual on how to build a wood tank.

I am just wondering what was the cost on the tank? Does it really save you that much money to make it worth it?
It wasn't so much a matter of "worth it" as something I wanted to try. My acrylic 270 g was around $2400. This one was less than $2K and twice the size. Of course, this doesn't account for labor and if it did, I'm probably in to it for around $20K.:spin2: But let's not talk about that.
fantastic! Love the guttatus tang, too (does he look skinny to you or is that just the photo?)

Also, I see the Tunze controller peeping out there... was going to ask if you were looking at Apex or some such for controlling...
Yes, actually, he is kind of skinny. I've been working on beefing him up. Hope I'm not dealing with a g.i. parasite or something. Otherwise, he's quite active and sociable.
Equipment and tank look great!

I had that foxface for a while, a.k.a. a blue stripe rabbit, great fish! Really nice color in person. Ate every type of algae, but also nipped clams, devoured zoas and tasted sea stars, and LPS corals too.

But he'd eat from my hand and follow me like a puppy!
Tank is dead-nuts-locked-in. I hate to say anything for fear of a jinx. Had to trap and get rid of the scribbled foxface. Bastage ate at least $300 worth of softies and clams. You called it Bax.

Traveling a ton. I'll try to get some photos and FTSs soon.

Oh yeah. Spent 12 days in French Polynesia recently. That's some nice waters down there.
Hey where did you get those gorgonians from? I have been looking for some but havent seen any around here in a long time.
Tank is dead-nuts-locked-in. I hate to say anything for fear of a jinx. Had to trap and get rid of the scribbled foxface. Bastage ate at least $300 worth of softies and clams. You called it Bax.

Traveling a ton. I'll try to get some photos and FTSs soon.

Oh yeah. Spent 12 days in French Polynesia recently. That's some nice waters down there.

GLAD to hear it is doing great! I'm about to start a wood tank myself once I make some progress I will create a Thread.
Hey Scott-
I've had those for so long I can't remember where they came from. I'm sure one was from a Denver store. Others likely mail-ordered. I'd like to get some more.