My wood tank build

Hi dsandfort,

thanks for sharing with us. I read your thread twice but still don't understand the thickness of 6 layers of epoxy combined with 2 layers of fiberglass. Hopefully you have some times to clear this up for me. You mentioned that

"The process will be 1 layer of fiberglass in 3 coats of epoxy to all internal surfaces. Sand and repeat with more fiberglass and 3 more coats. West System indicates that 20 mil thickness is what you want for tanks and that is around 6 coats." <-- this is one page 1 (post # 5).

Are you saying that 20 mils = 20 millimeter. ( or am I confused?)
20 millimeter = 0.7874015748 inch

so this is about 3/4" (about the thickness of a piece of plywood?).

Somewhere on your thread you cut up a hole for a bulkhead and the thickness of the epoxy layers combined with 2 layers of fiberglass clothes and it wasn't that thick.

Can you clear this up for me? Did I misunderstood and the 20 mils that you mentioned isn't 20 millimeter? but something else?

Also you mentioned West System Tech Bulletin is where you got the infor from.
this is the right page?

I'm guessing he is using the term "mil" instead of the more common "thou," meaning thousandths of an inch, but I could be wrong.

The tank looks amazing. Is that Skimmer a MRC Pro III model? I was looking at getting one of those bad boy's, how do you like it so far?
The craftsmanship on this tank makes me reconsider going the direction of a wood/fiberglass tank in the future. Nice work!!!
Thanks hpfunk.

The skimmer is a Pro II. I have an AquaC EV1000 on the first sump and the MRC on the second sump. They are vastly different in their operation. The EV is more brute force while the MRC is finesse. I get really good, dark skimmate from the EV and then the MRC does the polishing. It's very easy to clean while the EV requires a little more work.