Reefing since '93
Hi all! Time for a new build. :bounce2:
My name is Mindy van Leur and I'm from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (say that 10 times fast). You may recognize my name if you read the Reef Hobbyist Magazine as I wrote a few articles for them in 2012 and 2013. I own a marine aquarium maintenance company here in Saskatoon, and I have been a MO breeder for the last number of years. I have recently decided to focus on the maintenance company though, and am shutting down the hatchery. My passion in the hobby is helping newbies out, and also SPS corals. I love SPS.
Here's a pic of me from MACNA 2012 that makes me look important (lol). I'm the one on the left...haha kidding.
I haven't posted much on RC over the years as I spend most of my time over on the Canadian CanReef forums. This is actually my first tank journal thread on RC.
I started up my first reef tank in 1993 off babysitting money. It was a 20 or 25 gallon hexagonal tank and had a sweet UGF (for those who remember what that is haha), and even housed a Queen Conch for a week or so. :facepalm: These days I know better.
My last SPS tank was never supposed to be an SPS tank. It was a 90-gallon that was supposed to a low maintenance system. I set it up in May 2009, the SPS started wiggling in by October. :uhoh2: In 2012 I moved all the LPS to a different tank and the 90 was now exclusively SPS. Unfortunately, winter of 2012 I spent 6 months out of province working and the demise was inevitable. Long story short, here it is just before it's demise...
My name is Mindy van Leur and I'm from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (say that 10 times fast). You may recognize my name if you read the Reef Hobbyist Magazine as I wrote a few articles for them in 2012 and 2013. I own a marine aquarium maintenance company here in Saskatoon, and I have been a MO breeder for the last number of years. I have recently decided to focus on the maintenance company though, and am shutting down the hatchery. My passion in the hobby is helping newbies out, and also SPS corals. I love SPS.
Here's a pic of me from MACNA 2012 that makes me look important (lol). I'm the one on the left...haha kidding.

I haven't posted much on RC over the years as I spend most of my time over on the Canadian CanReef forums. This is actually my first tank journal thread on RC.
I started up my first reef tank in 1993 off babysitting money. It was a 20 or 25 gallon hexagonal tank and had a sweet UGF (for those who remember what that is haha), and even housed a Queen Conch for a week or so. :facepalm: These days I know better.
My last SPS tank was never supposed to be an SPS tank. It was a 90-gallon that was supposed to a low maintenance system. I set it up in May 2009, the SPS started wiggling in by October. :uhoh2: In 2012 I moved all the LPS to a different tank and the 90 was now exclusively SPS. Unfortunately, winter of 2012 I spent 6 months out of province working and the demise was inevitable. Long story short, here it is just before it's demise...