Operation Spike Removal was successful. I revamped the tank seeing as I removed all the rocks to get Spike out. He killed a few Acros. Bad fish.
I'll take some update pics in the next week or so. Most of the remaining Acros have mostly/partly recovered, but there are still a few that are struggling. It's been a long, hard road out of hell. (5 point to whomever can quote the lyrics!)
Awesome pics man and beautiful shots. The videos didn't load up for me.
Hey Mindy, beautiful shots! Great to see the corals looking really happy.
Video doesn’t work for me either..
Is that an orange passion?
Your very first pic looks a lot like pink Cadillac
Very nice!
Nice, I love the flow you have in the tank. A nice gentle rock back and forth. Are you using gyre's or a tunze wavebox? I forgot the setup of your system.
I used to keep my dkh at around 8.5 to 9.0, but after reading a post from a vendor that I won an awesome frag pack from, he kept his at 7.5. I set my tank up to accommodate my new additions and I now I don't really have any fear of accidentally burning my acros if I use too much GFO.