Nano wavebox noise


New member
I have researched wavebox noise and I have ran across a few threads about the issue. However, they mostly reference the normal wavebox.

The question I have is about the noise on the nano wavebox. Under normal operation of a "broke in" unit, should I be experiancing any noise relating to when the pump is actually running/pulsing?

My nano wavebox makes a sort of moaning/low freq vibrating type noise eveytime the pump is running. Almost like it stuggling to pump the water. Its actually working fine and pumping normal. It just has this resonating sound to it. It isnt really loud when you stand next to it, but I can still hear it above everything else running on the tank. The kicker is that I can also hear it 3 rooms away. This is very unacceptable to me.

I noticed the wavebox moving when it pulsed, so I figured that could be some of the problem. I had an extra magnet from a left over nano stream so I glued it under the orginal magnet. So now I have two magnets holding it very firmly in place. The sound is a little less, but I can still hear it 3 rooms away. It almost like the plastic box is amplifying the noise of the pump running and making this sort of hum sound.

Nothing I can do will quiet it down. The pump is clean and working normal from all I can tell. Im hoping that this isnt just one of the quirks that comes along with the nano wavebox. I just cant stand watching TV while hearing this wierd groan from the pump 3 rooms away everytime it pulses. I figured it would be quiet like all my other Tunze pumps.

Any advice?
It shouldn't making that much noise where you can hear it 3 rooms away. How old is the unit and it not suppose to move during the operation.
My glass is 5/8" thick. The regular nano streams hold well, but the extra weight of the wavebox is to much for that one magnet to handle on that thick of glass. It wouldnt have worked if I didnt put that extra magnet on it.

I purchased the unit from a fellow RC member which purchased it in Feb 2009. So the unit is still fairly new, but I would consider it used enough to be "broke in".
Have you try to remover the bottom plate to see if the motor block or the impeller rubbing against something...

Yeah. If I hold the motor block in my hand under water, it runs smooth and silent. Also, if I hold the entire wavebox in my hand, it is more quiet than when mounted to the glass.

I can feel the "power" of the pump when I hold the entire wavebox by the plastic box. Im almost thinking the box is resonating the vibrations of the pump and when in contact with the glass, it is acting like an amplifier and making the noise I hear. Just a theroy though. Thats what I want to find out. If thats the case, then the clear pads that attach to the magnets to reduce noise/vibrations are not sufficent enough, at least in the particular case of my wavebox.

Should there be any amount of noise that a person should hear from this unit? If so how much? Should a person only hear it when they are right next to the unit, 5 feet away, 10 feet, 20 feet? What is typical or considered acceptable in relation to the design?
It is a resonance noise and these vary with placement of the box, room size and shape and other variables. I would try placing the Nano wavebox in a different spot, on the side pane rather than in a corner, this tends to minimize this sort of noise. You could also try a thin rubber pad behind the magnet. In a differently shaped room with a different position in the tank, the noise would likely be inaudible and that is why these sorts of noises are very difficult to solve.
I will try and find another position for the wavebox and see if that does anything.

Does tank size affect ressonance noise? I can almost see a bigger tank with more glass making the noise worse. Is this true or at least be a bigger contributing factor?

Usually thinner glass results in more noise. Another cause is occasionally a magnet holder has a defect, like small blister that touches the glass and transmits the noise.
I'm having the same problem with my second hand nano wavebox - have you had any luck, I have taken mine out as I can't stand the noise and vibration

Seffie x
Seffie, are you sure the rubber feet (3M Bumpons) are in place on the magnet holder, this is often overlooked, they come on a small strip of wax paper in the box. They have to be installed by the end user and not installing them will result in a lot of vibration.
I havent had any luck reducing the noise. I found that if I submerge the entire wavebox under water, the noise is greatly reduced. Almost no noise. Of course, the wavebox doesnt work then.

It was just a test to isolate the source of the noise. The noise in my case is coming from the pump creating a resonating noise that is transmitted out the open top of the wavebox. It gets louder as the water is pumped out of the wavebox. Makes sense I guess. Its still irritating and may be a sticking point I just cant get past and may have to sell it.

It would be cool if there was some sort of material a person could put on top of the wavebox opening to muffle the sound/resonation.
there are some jelly like pads on the magnet, but the magnet is not attached to the wavebox and all attempts at attaching it have failed !!!

Funnily enough the chap i bought the wavebox told me to completely submerge it, which i knew was wrong!!

My grand daughter said, nanny, why is the tank snoring when it is sleeping ;o(

I took the pump out and put it in the tank to see if if was noisy, but no, it wasn't - it's not until it goes back in the wavebox does it become too noisy - I just can't stand that click,,, snore!

Only problem is I don't really then want to pass it on to a reefer who has the same problem, think I will have to take a hit on price and say it needs sorting!

Seffie x

ps any thoughts on attaching the magnet?
You need Tangit, it is the glue used to attach it at the factory, you might contact Tunze UK. The nano wavebox and wavebox do make somewhat of a snoring noise as they take in air, but it shouldn't be that bad and the click can definitely be solved.
Thank you I really appreciate your support - have already ordered some more of those bumper things and will try to get some of the glue :)

How do I fix the clicking noise?

Seffie x

ps found the glue :mixed: starting to think more positively now
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It needs wither a second 6025.740 disk or a new 6055.700 drive unit. I would start with the drive unit and if that doesn't fix it, add the disk.