nano wavebox


New member
ON THE wavebox, does the water enter from the top of the box only?? is there a way to make it anemone safe ... place a sponge over the intake?? Thanks.

99% of the box is submersed. The wave crest should reach just below the top of the box. As the pump turns on it pushes a lot of the water out of the box. When the pump shuts off, the box fills back up. It does this very quickly over and over w/ the frequency being controlled by the controller. The water being pushed out of the box and then let back in, constantly over and over produces this wave effect. This along with the length of the tank and how the water deflects off the opposite end of the tank will determine how big or small a wave you get.
Probably not the best explanation but the best I could do at this time of night.
Hope it helps.
a very nice explanation actually ... so, it sounds like there is no way to really "anemone" proof the wavebox??
I don't have and never have had an anemone in my reef so I don't really know what their climbing skills are like. If they can walk up glass then the wavebox could be a potential hazard. The input/output on the box does have a grated cover so depending on how big your anemone is you might/might not have a potential issue. I built my own nano wavebox using an extra nanostream 6055, the timer and built the box out of black acrylic to the dimensions of the original, and this thing really moves some water.
Good luck.
I would say the nano wavebox is pretty anemone proof. The water goes in through the outlet when the pump is off, there is not much suction force the box is just filling when off and emptying when on.