Nanoreef - Too many mushrooms

Ditto all the positive comments. I would love some of those blue/purple ones with stripes. So cool.

Craigslist it in your area and someone will want them. I have a tank overrun by shrooms, but most of them are very plain. I moved my 55 gal tank a year ago and took 120 loose shrooms to my LFS. They only gave me a buck each, but I was just gonna toss them if they didn't take them.


I think the tank is gorgeous! It is maybe not how you pictured your tank but honestly it looks great!!
Just cause they are easy doesn't mean they are not gorgeous. I think you've got a great little tank and I'd stick with it.
The only other option is to trade it all in and start over.
I'd take the rocks to the LFS and see if they'll trade them out for enough rock to refill the tank. Not worth trying to remove them all in a small tank like that that doesn't have too much rock.

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In retrospect, I think the poster is having us on. It's only a nano, a gorgeous nano, but still a small, easy to maintain tank. It's really easy to have this along with another tank or two.

We may be being punked. I actually hope so. :crazy1: :D