

New member
Hey guys,

I'm new to this site, but i'd love to share my experience.

I was looking @ a lfs for some live rock when i stumbled into a store that had 6 nautilus!, what amazing creatures! if anyone needs the name of the place let me know..i will provide it, they are located in NYC!

This is one time that I want to speak up regarding the importation of exotic cephalopods. I hope no one buys these animals and the owner has to eat the cost. Nautilus are extremely difficult to keep for any period of time. A few public aquaria have had some success, but I would venture to say that 99.9% of those imported die quickly. They are primarily deep water animals with critical temperature and water quality issues.

In several parts of the Indo-Pacific they are being over-fished simply for their shells. Adding the aquarium trade is perhaps trivial, but it is still more death and distruction.

Roy, I agree whole heartedly. These SHOULD NOT BE IMPORTED for the hobbyist. They will die in a matter of days if not weeks. They are cold water and DEEP WATER species and should not be placed in warm tanks with any type of lighting period. Do not buy these. Thanks, Freed
I saw 2 at my LFS and had heard what everyone here is saying so I asked the owner how long they would live and if their were any special needs. He told me that he has I customer that has had one in a shark tank for over a year. and that they are unasuming easy to take care of animals. The B.S. gets deeper the more money thats involved I guess.
OK, every time I have seen these at SeaWorld they have always been in low light (very dim)and the glass of the tank was very cold whatever that tells you. Freed