NCPARS Spring 2007 Swap

Wow! I'm excited for the speaker already. I'm a bit of an LPS junky myself and would love to have more care information.
I really need to get some of my LPS frags listed on of these days it will happen. But I'm totally psyched about more LPS knowledge. It seems that things go wrong with them sometimes out of the clear blue and there's little info out there as to what to do.
Looking forward to seeing familiar faces again. These swaps are always a blast. This time around, I am actually getting a few things for my tanks. After spending the last couple days up at Sanjay's, he has convinced me to do some pruning to make room for new stuff.
Wow, there sure are some really nice corals listed in this swap. Some of the best I have seen !!!

As a reminder, we're collecting photos from members/visitors to go in a display slideshow as part of the entertainment. If you have some nice tank/coral/fish photos you'd like to share, send me a PM or email and I'll put them in the rotation!

Does anyone actually visit the fragswapper site? Looks like it has been very inactive. Seems I am the only one adding stuff, and I don't need frags from me
I think people do look, Rich, but of course how many I don't know. As of last night, there were 80 people registered. Once they've registered, I don't think people check every day or even every week. I posted a swap update in a number of other club groups last night, and so maybe we'll get some traffic again soon!

Your frags look great, but I've had a mini-meltdown in the past month, so I am holding off getting much more until I'm sure I'm re-stabilized.
Scott, Sanjay told me about your issue when I visited him last week. I did see the PSU tank and boy does it need trimming! When your tank is "back to snuff", I'll help out with frags in any way I can.
FragSwapper Meeting Activity Report:
Total Items Listed (unique by swapper): Just under 170
Total Promised Trades: 185 (Last Swap: 165 - Highest Ever: 331)
Total Active Requests (people who haven't "accepted" yet): 17

No records, but still decent. At this point I probably won't make it to the swap since I'm going to see Ron White that evening. If I actually had a normally functioning tank I'd probably push it and be jumping at the stuff up there, but at this point I'm not going to buy anything new until I move...accept some snails because I've got an algea bloom. :)

Thanks Rich, that's a thoughtful offer. I hesitate to say anything lest I offend the reefing gods, but most of the things in the tank are looking happier than they have for a while. But at this point, I may also just wait until I get a new tank to get much more... I'm looking into replacing the 75 with a 200G this summer, if I can get organized to do it.
Scott if you need help I am willing and not too far away. I won't charge you... MUCH... LOL... How about a few beers and we will call it even? Well I am able and willing...
Wow can this be true? a frag swap only 30minutes from where i live. Truth be told ive wanted to join NCPARS for a while now and this could be a good opertunity to do so. Looks like ill be taking the 24th off of work and meeting you guys and gals!!!
Great to hear. Stop by my frag tank and talk to me, or just hit me up anywhere as I do run around a bit.

I look forward to meeting you!
I havent posted all the stuff I am bringing yet but there seems to be quite a bit of activity on there now. And we are still a week and a half out from the swap.
We are still looking for demos, the acrylic demo has been postponed due to issues outside our control. We are sorry for the inconvenience but would like to invite you to volunteer to show us all your awesome DIY idea or demo something that you are interested in.

Only a few days left before the swap!

See you THERE!

Hey, do you sell locally? I know your from Altoona, but lost track of you after you moved out of that pet shop. Anyway, don't think I can make swap this weekend and was looking for some stuff for my tank. Let me know and maybe I can visit you this week, or whenever you are available. I'm from the area also.......

I am no longer in business. I haven't been since I left the shop some time back.

I am a just a hobbyist trading and selling some of my overgrowth. I do have some frags here at home and if there is anything you would like from other hobbyists on Fragswapper I am sure that I could pick those up for you without any problems!

Let me know if you need me to pick things up.