I am the proud owner of PAGE 3! Lets keep the conversation going. I would love to hear your ideas, views, and thoughts on this swap. In addition, I would love to hear all your ideas on the future swaps and functions that we as a club should do!
Will do jcanute! It will be posted in our forum as well as in the REEFNEST forum!
I am glad that you all had a great time! It was nice to see some new faces as well as those of us that just will not go away!
IMO A great Swap all around!
I want to welcome all the newly elected Board of Directors, we will work together and make new ideas and views come to life. Also to the Outgoing Board, THANK YOU for your time, hard work, and perseverance as I know how much time, effort, and knowledge you have given our club and I hope that you will be as helpful in the future as you have been in the past. I know that it hasn't been the smoothest road but it was one of growing pains, learning, but also very productive.
Happy Reefing to all and to all a GREAT DAY!