Neal's Zoa/Paly Pics...

Awesome collection you've got there. Can you post a pic of the xmen palys sometime soon?

thank you... and as soon as i get a good pic of them, i will absolutely take a pic... the 4 i originally got about a month ago, are now 6 with 2 smaller ones that came in :)
i also added some Tyree pink elephant ear palys last nite as well :) 3 big fat polyps... looking forward to these doin their thing if they do well :beer:
Ah! I really want some Rasta. Beautiful zoas, but hard to come by around here. They seem hard to frag from what I've heard.

my rasta colony is my pride and joy :)

myself, i do not frag my zoas anymore... but i have fragged before... if you dont have a nice diamond wheel and your not growing the zoas on a softer type rock, they can be very difficult... jus IMO...
and some purpe people eaters :)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
and cuz i never get tired of seeing these...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
I actually had a similar idea to let my zoa colonies grow. Currently, any frags/colonies I get go into my display and a few polyps are fragged off immediately and mounted on a small 1x1 tile that goes into my frag grow-out tank. Once the small tiles start to fill in a bit, it's mounted on a larger 4x4 tile. I then use these as my mother colonies and frag a few polyps off each month that are mounted on small frag plugs and grown out a few weeks for resale. By simply added a tile with a larger footprint below your existing tile(s), you give you colonies a nice surface to grow out on and it makes fragging them MUCH easier since it's a uniform surface. This also lets your mother colonies grow in both height and width.
I actually had a similar idea to let my zoa colonies grow. Currently, any frags/colonies I get go into my display and a few polyps are fragged off immediately and mounted on a small 1x1 tile that goes into my frag grow-out tank. Once the small tiles start to fill in a bit, it's mounted on a larger 4x4 tile. I then use these as my mother colonies and frag a few polyps off each month that are mounted on small frag plugs and grown out a few weeks for resale. By simply added a tile with a larger footprint below your existing tile(s), you give you colonies a nice surface to grow out on and it makes fragging them MUCH easier since it's a uniform surface. This also lets your mother colonies grow in both height and width.

you dont say? lmao...

and i do not frag my zoas at all... like never lol...
a shot of my sunny d's, which doesnt do them justice whatsoever... another coral that has made an incredible recovery... for a while, these were tightly closed and shrunken for weeks on end... there are about 20+ polyps...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
a video showing a little more of my display, for anyone who would be interested... ill try and video a bit of my filtration today too...

as always, thanks for looking...

i have started to add to my collection and have a couple that need to be moved into good viewing range, especially to take a decent pic, and will do soon... but here is a few more, actually nice and clear pics (for most part) that i took tonite of the usual ones seen here... sorry, im working on collecting some more, lol... i hope to have both clementines and utter chaos in the near future...

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>

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<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
Looking awesome as always! I just lost my Purple Hornets to a meltdown, no idea why....

I just got My Clementine and and Utter Chaos too! Can't wait until they grow out. Only 1 polyp of each but the UC has 3 babies so they're looking like they are on their way. Also picked up a Blue Magician. The thing is awesome. Next on my list is some Blue Agave.
colors look poor in this pic, and are still coloring up on top of that, but this is a tyree pink elephant... their true colors are purple, green and pink... starting to look better everyday... this is one of two frags i got recently... the other is a 3 polyp :)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
finally a decent pic of my sunny d's :)

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App"></a>
and some candy apple reds... jus a few ;)

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