Need a better method


New member
When I glue frags I always seem to make a mess and get frustrated. Can someone help me with a simpler method?

Here's mine after frags have acclimated to tank for 3 days.

1. Select spot to mount rubble onto rock.
2. Work aqua stick epoxy and sit it aside.
3. Fill tupperware with tank water.
4. Take rubble piece from tank, pat dry, sit aside.
5. Take frag from tank, pat base dry and apply superglue gel.
6. Press frag onto rubble and hold underwater in tupperware.
7. Once cured take epoxy and press on base of rubble.
8. Press rubble into mounting location.

The problem is between 5 and 6 as the superglue sometimes takes a while to cure as the coral slimes. Anyone with suggestions?
I do the same things except holding the frag under water while I let the glue setup. Il et the glue setup out of water. After its setup I mix epoxy (just enough to hold the rubble to the mounting location) and then place the mounted coral.
1. Bring home unmounted frag.
2. Acclimation/Quarantine - Whatever you do
3. Take "gel" super glue. I prefer Jurassic Gel by Paleobond and place an eraser size drop on a dry plug/rock.
4. Take coral and dry off the base.
5. Mount coral vertically where it was fragged.
6. Place plug in eggcrate holder outside of water.
7. Allow to dry for 2 minutes.
8. Place frag in low current area.

For horizontal mounting use more glue.
I use super glue gel as well but I dont let them dry for 2 min. I just dip the frag in separate container of tank water to fast cure the super glue then put it in the tank. But it does take a little practice to know how much glue to use. Also a tip to get super glue of your fingers is to tank a dead acro skeleton or small piece of rock and in saltwater work it of your fingers.
When I have mounted frags in the past, I would use the CA Gel, but would dip the coral in the water to get the gel to "skin over" like others have mentioned, then attach it to the rubble. Occasionally, if the peice seemed top heavy, or larger in general, I'd also put a little glue on the rubble. I've never used epoxy, but may try it in my new tank.
