need a diving trip, want to travel


In Memoriam
Just curious if anyone is interested in going on a trip somewhere to collect some corals, it would be nice if someone had a relative or something that worked for an airline so we could get some cheap tickets, i need something as cheap as possible, or if anyone has a boat they need a voluteer to help with various things in exchange for diving and sleeping, that would be awesome
It is very rare that you will find a place that let you collect coral and when you do I wouldn't recommend doing it. In Florida you can collect Rics though.
number one, why would you even reply if you are just trying to start an argument; and number two, i have collected coral in and out of the country and am very aware that there are guidelines; number three, I will not be hurting the reef when i COLLECT when I bring things back and grow them out to sell them to other people, I will actually be helping it; number four, I don't know if you are aware that the coral in your tank actually came out of the wild, but it did
oh yeah, number 5, I put this on here for someone to reply that wants to take a trip or maybe needs someone to work on their boat for them, not for someone to tell me what I can and can't do
I'm not trying to start an argument at all. Most of the corals that are in our tanks were collected once but are now mostly maricultured. You could probably get the same corals in your LFS rather than taking more out of the ocean. Nor, Am I telling you what to do. I'm just stating the obvious. I'm not trying to fuel anything here.
i know all about mariculture, i would like to aquaculture something that no one else has though, hence the want for a trip, not buying something off of a website
i have a friend that just became a diver that works for an airline ill tell him to get in touch with you. he doesnt have a tank, but a frag or 2 for me would be cool for the trouble