Need a little help with my leather corals


New member
Hi guys,
i'm a little worried about my leather corals. i have two in my tank, i am unsure of their exact species name, but one is a toadstool leather and the other is a green tree leather. anyhoo, i am a little worried about them because they are both contacted and look verry unhappy. i know it is normal leather behavior to contract for long periods of time, but it has been about 4 1/2months now since i have seen a polyp sticking out of either one of them. they are under metal halides, the water conditions are as follows
ammonia =0
nitite = 0
unfortionatly i dont have any other test kits so thats all i know.
i havent been dosing kalk, and i currently dont dose iodine.
i should also mention these are very small specimins. 3" and 2"

thanks guys, i'd appreciate any help
have you tried using carbon and Poly-Filters to adsorb possible chemical issues? try a waterchange and aggressive carbon use (e.g. change it out every 3~4 days).

are they touching? anything growing on them? (spots, discoloration, films, etc.)

anything developing around them? (piles of debris or fecal matter)

how are the water levels? (salinity, temperature, water movement, ca/alk)
thanks tinyreef
they are not touching, i just started using carbon, there is verry string floww in the tank (dart driven closed loop), and the salinity is a little low. there is some brownish purple goo growing on the base of the toadstool, but the green leather is just fine.hope it helps, and thanks again