Need a new skimmer


New member
I have a 150 gallon mixed reef tank. My skimmer pump recently decided to burn out and put a charge into my tank. I need to get a new skimmer. Anyone have a skimmer they would be willing to part with? Thanks in advance for the help here.
Darn! John at FAOIS had a nice euro reef for sale at the garage sale. Shoot him a Facebook message. I almost grabbed it! Maybe roger (rogergolf) is selling his I-tech in lieu of the new tank ;)
Darn! John at FAOIS had a nice euro reef for sale at the garage sale. Shoot him a Facebook message. I almost grabbed it! Maybe roger (rogergolf) is selling his I-tech in lieu of the new tank ;)

Maybe but not for a bit. And I may just keep it for my other systems I'm planning
How about a pump for the skimmer you have. I have a sedra 5000 I might sell. I got the Itech from crazyeyes and I love it.
I've got a Super Reef Octopus SRO-3000INT with a brand new pump for sale for $275

Also a bigger dual pump Warner Marine Skimmer, don't know the model number, but it's a monster for $300. In excellent condition

Haha, thanks, Justin. I really need a skimmer pump with the air inlet connection and all, so a standard mag 12 wouldn't do me too much good.

Easttuth I'd be interested in that reef octopus. Where are you located?
Haha, thanks, Justin. I really need a skimmer pump with the air inlet connection and all, so a standard mag 12 wouldn't do me too much good.

Easttuth I'd be interested in that reef octopus. Where are you located?

Orlando but I travel around the state some so I could meet you