Need Advise... CL or Tunse for 375gal


Premium Member
Hey Guys,

I would like your input on flow for a 96" x 30" x 30" tank.

I can't decide on either a closed loop system or a Tunse system.

Also, the magnet holder on the Tunse, will it hold on 3/4" acrylic?


That's the same size as my new tank. Just picked it up yesterday.

I decided not to use a closed loop. Didn't want all the extra holes, plumping etc. in the glass. I'll be using 2 X vortechs along with 2 X 1262 eheims on 1" seaswilrs for returns.

May need to add 1 or 2 more vortechs as stuff grows in and was thinking of some modded mjs blowing back to front.

This will be much more energy efficient than a CL.
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I am using a Sequence Dart w/ OMS 4way on my CL, a tunze 6080 and Tunze Wavebox. Then my return is a Mag 12 through a super squirt. My tank is 60*30*24