Need advise on first protein skimmer and LED lights...


New member
I have finally decided to get an aquarium 72x24x24 (180g I believe?). I'm taking my time to look on kijiji and CL for a used one. If it doesn't come with a stand and a canopy, I can build them myself. Being very patient at the moment.

My goal: around 230-250 lbs of LR (is fiji LR ok?). I prefer size over quantity (not alot of fish, but big ones). I'm even thinking of adding a snowflake moray eel later on (still not 100% decided on this yet). The tank will be a FOWLR.

My next step is to start looking for a protein skimmer... Again, I'm not in a hurry and taking my time to look around. I'm currently debating on a Reef Octopus or a SWC Xtreme 230. Concerning the skimmers, the size charts are in bioloads. With my current goals, I suppose I would be aiming for a medium bioload? The tank will be 180g. I don't know what size my sump will be (does the sump count towards the skimmer/gallon ratings?). What protein skimmer size would be recommended for a 180g?

And then....the lights: Oh boy what a headache for a newbie like me...where to start? Should I start looking for LEDs straight away since they pay for themselves in the long run with less electricity and no need to replace bulbs? Or overkill for my FOWLR? I've been looking reviews online on the chinese dimmable LED's found on ebay and people said they weren't having any problems with them. I think I'm gonna need 3 for a 6ft long aquarium...

Like these: 28BLUE 27WHITE Dimmable D120W LED Aquarium Light US Warranty Free Shipping | eBay

Sorry for asking so many question. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Have a pleasant day everyone!


A 48 by 24 by 24 is a 120 gallon tank. You might want to scale down your live rock amount.

Lighting for a FOWLR is easier because you are not trying to match the demands of photosynthetic organisms. Usually, you can get by with the kind of light that you find pleasing in your display.

A 48 by 24 by 24 is a 120 gallon tank. You might want to scale down your live rock amount.

Lighting for a FOWLR is easier because you are not trying to match the demands of photosynthetic organisms. Usually, you can get by with the kind of light that you find pleasing in your display.

Pat, the tank is 72 inches long, not 48. Thanks for the information you provided!