Need advise


New member
I have a eshopps HOB skimmer. It has been running for over a week. However it keeps overflowing in the collection cup. I have been reading about cleaning the Venturi, and I tried raising the skimmer up a bit with pvc pipe (I keep my water level high). Right now I have the outlet pipe fully open when I left for work this morning. The bubbles were way down. Well I just checked on it on my lunch break and it is filling up with water. It is a used skimmer in great condition, I cleaned it well and checked everything. I can't figure out why it's doing that, unless it's not broken in yet? But I figure over a week should be enough right? Any advise would be a big help. Thanks in advance! Been running for about 9 days solid
Bump....anyone have this skimmer? I'm thinking it hasn't broke in yet. But I feel like a week in should be enough time.
I bought mine new and it overflow the cup for days until I shifted the sponge down. I tossed the sponge and no bubbles to speak of in the tank at all. I have had this skimmer over flow its cup after cleaning the skimmer, doing large WC, out of the blue after working great for a long while. It skims pretty good but IMO you have to watch it. I turn it off when I go to work for this reason.
Also, in addition to the sponge adjustment, I have noticed dosing the tank with Bactiv8 or feeding frozen food can calm it down but keep your eye on it ;-)