First of all i would like to preface this with the statement that this is a from a medicine (human) perspective.
Garlic: Literature states: the active component in garlic is anicillin. It acts as a sort of reactive oxygen species (ros) killer. It has been touted that ROSs are what is ultimately responsible for death due to "old age" and cancer formation (among many other things). So anicillin gets rid of these components thereby building up the immune system. The problem is that the half-life of anicillin is roughly 15minutes from time of activation. Anicillin is activated by CRUSHING garlic (you can think of it as an ice pack with two different compartments when mixed together have a reaction). Thus, garlic extreme, etc...cannot possibly work at the ideal levels that natural garlic can. you must crush the garlic right before you are going to soak the food. And i really mean crush.
Parasites: all parasites have a life cycle. And treatment for each parasite is geared toward that life cycle. Thus, it does not make intuitive sense to believe that there will ALWAYS be ich in a tank. It is impossible. If your tank lays fallow for the life cycle of the parasite (6 weeks for ich) and cycles through the entire life cycle of the last parasite, there is no way that the parasite will remain in the tank with no hosts. No way. ICH REQUIRES A FISH HOST.
So, simply run the main tank fallow while treating the infected fish in a different tank and it will run its course, otherwise you can never be sure that you have removed the parasite
YOU CANNOT TREAT THE ICH IN THE MAIN TANK, by either hyposalinity or copper (the only two sure ways of treating it). ALL of your inverts will surely die. QT the poor buggers.
What most likely happened to this poor guy is he introduced some of the parasite from water from the tank the coral recently purchased was located in. Hope this helps