need alittle infor?

chuck snow

New member
I think I got ick or ich. After not see it for about 5 years I pickup some corals and about three to four days later , I seen last night little white spots on my three tangs. I can not get them out They are eating fine what should I do?

thanks for any help.

Any help or infor would be great. I start feeding them with a Garlic Xtreme in their food last night. do not know if it will help.
QT & slowly lower the SG to around 1.010, until the spots go away, then raise the SG slowly. You could try FW dips too but if you keep the fish in the main tank, the parasites will go back on the fish. The tank has to be empty of fish to die off.
They may also have gotten a little stressed from moving the rocks around, I woulld try what Puffer said and let them fight it on their own.
I would do nothing. If your tank is healthy they will be fine. I have heard good results with garlic treated food, possibly look into that. As PP stated you could lower your salinity, but do so very gradually...inverts and corals dont care for it much...neither do I lol.

Otherwise just keep the tank going steady. IME ich has never been a problem in a reef, it always went away.

Also if you do FW dips the "parasites" wont go back on the fish. All fish have ich, just when stressed their systems cannot supress it.

I would be very hard to get them out with remove all the live rock and other items (corals). so what should i do?????

lower main tank SG to around 1.010.

what would this do to the live rock and corals?
so far It look like do nothing more than what I doing now add alittle Garlic Xtreme to the food and pickup a new cleaner shrimps They die and/or missing about year ago. and see what happens.

I did move some live rock around and added some new big corals to the tanks.
Could this be way it come out? They eating fine.


for the infor
if you do FW dips the "parasites" wont go back on the fish.

I mean, by putting them back into the main tank, the parasites still living in the wate column will go back on the fish. That's why I always recommend QT. I don't believe the parasites can live on coral.
I also would suggest cleaner shrimp and garlic enhanced food . I have had good results with this in the past . and this way you have a really cool addition to your tank . I really like the skunk cleaners , I hand feed all mine .
I have a 75 gallon reef tank that I had a severe outbreak of ich when I introduced a fish without quarantining it fish. I did nothing at first but add a cleaner shrimp and use garlic. The ich got much worst in the tank and 2 of my fish died because of it. I then pulled out the remaining fish and put them in quarantine tanks for 8 weeks and treated with hyposalinty. I left the main display tank without fish for 8 weeks. I finally introduced the fish back in the main display a couple fish at a time over the next couple weeks. I have never dealt with ich again in the tank and I do not put any fish in the tank unless it has been quarantined.

I will always follow a quarantine procedure after my ordeal with ich. I figure it is easier to do it up front instead of having problems that linger and have to tear the tank apart to try and catch the fish.

I hope this helps.

I don't know that our tanks are ever totally free of parasites. Healthy unstressed fish have a slime coat that protects them from the parasites. If your tank params are good and the fish are eating, I'd feed them with the garlic soaked food and make sure they de-stress. Give them plenty of food, by feeding a couple times a day. Get as much garlic in them as you can. Always good to have at least one cleaner shrimp and cleaner wrasses are available too.
Search the words seachem recipe and my name and you'll find a couple threads with my viariation of the Seachem food mix. Worked for me a couple times and things are good now for a while.


First of all i would like to preface this with the statement that this is a from a medicine (human) perspective.

Garlic: Literature states: the active component in garlic is anicillin. It acts as a sort of reactive oxygen species (ros) killer. It has been touted that ROSs are what is ultimately responsible for death due to "old age" and cancer formation (among many other things). So anicillin gets rid of these components thereby building up the immune system. The problem is that the half-life of anicillin is roughly 15minutes from time of activation. Anicillin is activated by CRUSHING garlic (you can think of it as an ice pack with two different compartments when mixed together have a reaction). Thus, garlic extreme, etc...cannot possibly work at the ideal levels that natural garlic can. you must crush the garlic right before you are going to soak the food. And i really mean crush.

Parasites: all parasites have a life cycle. And treatment for each parasite is geared toward that life cycle. Thus, it does not make intuitive sense to believe that there will ALWAYS be ich in a tank. It is impossible. If your tank lays fallow for the life cycle of the parasite (6 weeks for ich) and cycles through the entire life cycle of the last parasite, there is no way that the parasite will remain in the tank with no hosts. No way. ICH REQUIRES A FISH HOST.
So, simply run the main tank fallow while treating the infected fish in a different tank and it will run its course, otherwise you can never be sure that you have removed the parasite

YOU CANNOT TREAT THE ICH IN THE MAIN TANK, by either hyposalinity or copper (the only two sure ways of treating it). ALL of your inverts will surely die. QT the poor buggers.

What most likely happened to this poor guy is he introduced some of the parasite from water from the tank the coral recently purchased was located in. Hope this helps

Will It been great reading all this.

My fish are doing great. I do not see a spot. I do know if it was ick or something. But I did feed them all (kent Garlic Xtreme.) going on 5 days. on the four day did not see anything. I do not know. So far no problems

Thanks for the great explanation! If you don't mind, I'd like to copy that to my pufferforum for folks there to read. I knew ich didn't always exist in a tank but didn't know how to back it up & didn't want to sound full of it.

he introduced some of the parasite from water from the tank the coral recently purchased

Another reason to never pour the water from the bag, into your tank! (Not saying you did, or anything...) :)