how does that burst my bubble? I hate to tell you your source is wrong. There are no such thing as spores for ich. Actually i am glad to tell you because your version is much more disastrous to the hobby. To belelieve that ich would never be terminated? depressing.
here is a long boring version since you require it:
Cryptocaryon is an obligate parasite, which means that it cannot survive without a period of growth on a fish. Once the original parasite attaches to a fish, it burrows into the skin where it feeds and grows for 5 to 7 days. During this time, it is very irritating to the fish and the characteristic white spot develops. The protozoan then breaks out of the cyst and is called a tomont. The tomont swims freely for 12 to 18 hours until it produces sticky opaque material and creates a cyst, which then attaches to a rock, coral, glass, etc. A tomont then starts dividing until it produces up to 200 daughter cells called tomites. This process is temperature dependent and can take from 3 to 28 days. When the tomites have finished dividing and are mature, they are then released into the water. They then develop cilia and begin to swim through the water looking for a host. These free-swimming organisms are called theronts. They will only live 12 to 18 hours if they do not find a new host fish to attach to and start the cycle over again. The completion of the entire life cycle can be between 9 and 40 days and is temperature dependent. The warmer the water the faster the cycle occurs, and most likely is complete in a couple of weeks in most home aquariums. However, there are some reports that indicate that despite being at a warmer temperature, there may be other variables that make the multiplication process take longer than two weeks, which is why some experts recommend a slightly longer treatment period say 6 weeks.
What your website falsely called spores are actually the cysts in the above explanation. Parasites do not make spores, bacteria (clostridium sp.) and fungi (Aspergillus sp.) make spores.
Parasites make cysts. what a cyst is in this regard is a resistant cover about a parasite produced by the parasite or the host, but not a DORMANT life form. and as such has a relative finite time period in existance as that form (i say relative because somethings can retard/accellerate them such as temp, ph, etc...)
dont believe me? google it or look here at specific references:
Fairfield, T. A Commonsense Guide to Fish Health. Barrons, New York; 2000.
Fenner, RM. The Conscientious Marine Aquarist. TFH Publications. Neptune City, NJ; 2001.
Post, G. Textbook of Fish Health. TFH Publications. Neptune City, NJ; 1987.
Stoskopf, MK. Fish Medicine. W.B. Saunders Co. Philadelphia, PA; 1993.
Tullock, JH. Natural Reef Aquariums. TFH Publications. Neptune City, NJ; 2001.