Answer to the above: I got the live rock 5 years ago from a hobbyist and LFS. Does it make sense that 5 years later this rock is negatively impacting the tank? no idea if it was cured or not. tank has been relatively healthy and beautiful for 4.5 years
If phosphate is coming out of rocks, why wouldn't the phosphate test higher?
And if that is happening, what do i do? Do i need to replace all the rock or is is there some way of correcting?
Guys, I appreciate all the thoughts and tips but even with all the info I posted I don't think I saw and theories (and more importantly suggestions) on why my corals are dying or shrivelled or bleached white?
If you "didnt see suggestions" you should re-read what everyone has posted. I told you, personally, that buying the ICP test from Triton might help you to understand what's in your water way better than using cheap API shitty test kits.
First step when you have a problem in your reef is to test your water parameters, relying on API is just like shooting yourself on the foot.
Also, do not rely on your LFS to test your water, unless you see them testing it and using decent test kits to do so, they will mostly always use the cheapest product available to test.
I had my LFS testing my water just to confirm my own tests (I use Red Sea test kits), they told me I had nitrite (no2), and I know for fact I don't, because I run ULM, refugium and I dose NoPoX everyday. So I knew from that point that the rest of the test was worthless.
So, just re-read our suggestions and don't be lazy, you've taken the responsibility of taking care of live animals, they are completely reliant on your discipline and care, otherwise they'd probably be living in the ocean far from your home. They deserve your effort and care.
Good luck!