Need help deciding on salt mix for large tank


I recently picked up a 300 gallon tank and plan to run a 55 gallon refugium and 40 gallon sump. So with almost 400 gallons of water I am trying to decide what salt mix to use and not break the bank. As part of my tank matinance I plan on doin constant water changes between 35-55 gallons per week so I will be using lots of salt mix. Let me know what you guy recommended for a good salt that I can use that can also be miixed and used over a week or so.
Lots and lots of folks use the cheapest stuff, instant ocean, but not because it's cheap.

You could look into ways to change less water. Macro in your fuge, big skimmer, carbon dosing, dosing Ca and CO3, etc.
Hard to beat good old instant ocean. Plenty of the "pros" use it. Cheap on amazon by the 4 bag box. Makes 200 gallons for about $50
The 55 gallon fuge is going to be filled with macro that’s the plan at least. And I have a big skimmer now but plan on upgrading it once I get a decent amount of livestock in the tank. I’m hoping to eventually have the fuge and skimmer doing most of the work and do simple 30 gallon continuous water changes each week.
Another vote for regular Instant Ocean..
Its low cost and just works..
No proof that anything else is better.. Just more expensive..
IO. I tried Fritz for awhile since it was supposed to mix at the right parameters, but then I got a bad batch and had to dose alk to keep it stable. I figured if I had to dose anyway, I might as well just use the cheap stuff.
I used Instant Ocean for the past 30 years, but switched over to Instant Ocean Reef Crystals a few months ago. It seems to me my corals looked better when I was using regular Instant Ocean, so I'm switching back after this batch of salt is gone.
Used to use IORC, but have been using regular old IO for the last 2 years. It's cheap, been around forever, and 90% of the "big" aquariums around the world use it.
So I think IO has won by an astonishing amount. Looks like my UPS driver is going to hate me more then he usually does.
Last time I spoke to him he asked me if the packages had rocks on them. You should have seen the look I got when I told him that was what was in the boxes.
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I've been at this hobby for over 30 years now. I have tried pretty much every salt mix there is and I keep going back to IO and IORC, delivered to my doorstep by the unlucky fedex guy about every 6 months. I usually get 4-6 cases at a time.
I’ve used IO for decades.

However, I switched several tanks over to Brightwell NeoMarine, and have seen a little extra pop out of those systems.

Also, you don’t need to do 200 gal in H20 changes/mo. It’s what you take out, not how much.
I used IO for my first 3 years in the hobby. I had a so-so tank, IMHO. I tried IORC for 6 months and didn't see much difference, so I switch back.
Finally, I got good at keeping Ca, Mg and Alk in line and now I love my tank.
Now, I have the 125 reef and the 350 FOWLR is back on line, so I'm using a LOT of water for TTM as I restock.

With IO at less than $50 for 200 gallons from Amazon ( and free shipping via Prime ), I see no reason to use anything else.
I agreed IO salt mix is cheaper than other brands, but it still expensive to keep 50 gallon water change per week.
IMO, just buy enough for a few months first, then look at the local fish forum daily or post want to buy forum, you may see some seller sell some good salt mix with a special deal.
You can buy and try many kinds of salt mix from the other sellers at this time for a experiment then years later you will know which one is the best for you.