Need help on a PC retro... THX


New member
HI there I want to order a "CSL SmartLite-Retrofit 65watt - NEW CLOSEOUT $39.95" this retro kit comes with a 50/50 bulb included, is there anyway you can switch the 50/50 bulb for a dual actinic bulb (65watt DualActinic 420/460NM Sunpaq Lamp)?

The reason Im asking is because I want to use the retro kit for supplementing and for dawn and dusk features and I need a blue bulb...

THX in advance...

Yes, we can switch out the bulb for you. The Current lamps are quite a bit more expenisve though, we would need to charge an extra $14.00.

Do I have to do anything special during ordering to have the bulb changed?

THX again...
I'd say just give them a call on the phone and order it that way. That's what I did when I special ordered the 150w 20k flood bulbs for the IceCap pendent I wanted.