need help please!!! asap


Active member
please only answer if you know what flukes are in large angel fish ,i posted a couple weeks back and got advise from people that had no clue what flukes were ,hence the first comment, anyway i have been battleing these with 2 angels a blue face and a bluering ,first the eyes were cloudy ,and i did a freshwater dip, a bunch of flukes were comming off them even on ther eyes, so i was told to use coppermine from seachem,did that it seamed to do nothing ,then i hear copper is bad for angel fish ,so it is all removed now,they get good for a few days then stop eating because there eyes cloud over ,i dip them more flukes come off put them back in they heal start eating, and bang the eyes start again,i have been doing this for over a month and want to rid these things once and for all ,so i can get more fish thank you
ive never heard that copper is bad for angels. a lot of fishstores put copper in their fish systems, because it raises immunities. usually the LFS's angels are in there and are fine.
First you need to get your fish a fresh water bath and not just a dip. The bath should be for about 20-30 min. depending on if you fish can take it. Make sure you adjust the water to the correct Ph that your tank has, 8.0-8.4. Copper is used to control parasites and most fish can tolorate to a certain level which is high enough to kill off the parasites.

So give your fish a fresh water bath and then bring your copper level in the tank back up, as the flukes are probably in the tank and they keep attaching to the fish, so you need to get rid of them at the source which is in the tank.

Do some search on the web and you'll find a bunch of site that talk about flukes and other parasites, plus the use of copper and other treatments.
thanks ,i do the dips for 20 min,i dont want to use the copper anymore it is a hit or miss with the flukes , i could not find any sites talking about flukes,but seachem sent me paraguard, enough for 4000 gal you add it every day and i have a 450 total water system ,but i need a sure fix ,i am not just going to keep adding stuff ,and i talked to alot of fish sluppliers and it was 50/50 about copper ,not good enough for me
If you really have flukes it's very hard to kill them. Not only do the fish have them but the tank does also. It can be very hard to get rid of them and some times the best thing to do it place the fish in quaratine and treat them there and break down the tank and clean it out completely.

There are tons of site with info on flukes, just go to yahoo or google and put in flukes+salt+fish and tons of sites will come up.
you need to get those flukes out of your tank asap

you need to get those flukes out of your tank asap

get all of your fish 9in quaratine and totally clean that tank for head to toe, good luck flukes are a marine nemisis keepers worse ngithmare.:(
While your fish are taking a bath (fresh water), clean the entire quarantine set up with a bleach solution. I use (2) cups Clorox per 10 gallons after each use. Do you have another aquarium to move them to after the bath? A 37% formalin bath will knock the flukes back also!
they are in my 400 gal system that is the point i am try to get across to everyone in all the threads
Are you dosing the main tank? If that is no problem for you (no inverts to worry about) then I would recommend trying fluke-tabs, they are the only thing that worked for me once the problem got seriously out of hand which is what yours sounds like. I have not used them in a tank with large angels however, and I've only used the product one time, so I cannot comment more authoritatively on consistent outcome.

If you really have flukes then I would break the tank down and clean it with bleach, like recommanded by Douglas LEHMAN, as they're very hard to get rid of it and your just going to keep treating the fish and there only going to just keep getting them again. Also get a tubberware container and treat the fish seperately.

If your going to use 37% formalin please read the instructions and get gloves and goggles because the stuff is dangerous and care should be used when using it.