need help put dt's in and clam closed up


New member
hi i've had my derasa clam for about a week now. it's under a 150w 20k hqi in a ten gallon nano. everything was going great the thing opened up every day very wide i just put in a capful of dt's and 1 dissolved cube reef blend for the rest of the tank and ref and the clam closed up now he only opens about half way and his mantle is somewhat in, also his mouth/anus? the one that sticks out that is usually open about a quater inch or so is now closed it keeps like opening a little and must be filling up with water cause the part inside gets huge but then it pushes it out really fast and does it again in about 1 miniute intervals, please tell me this is only because he does'nt like the frozen reef food.
i've put dt's in 2 times since i got it and it never did this. thanks for any help.
My clam closes up and stays closed for several hours after I feed frozen brine to my fish - it usually opens back up after all the brine are eaten/filtered out. So I would say that it doesn't like all those solids floating around - may be the same reaction to the frozen food that you are seeing. I can't comment on all the other stuff you're observing.