My tank has what seems to be a Diatom issue. It's a 40 gallon breeder, a few fish and corals that's about 10 months running. I have a Seachem 110 HOB filter, good flow and fluval marine 3.0 lights. It started around mid November with a diatom bloom, looks like brown sugar sprinkled on the sand. My numbers seem to be stable, salt 1.025, ph 8.1 , nitrate 6, phos .03, kh 10.20, Calcium 425 , mag 1300. Weekly 10 to 15 percent water changes but still can't get rid of the diatoms since mid November. I do water changes with Natures Ocean Nutri Seawater and top off with RO water. Light are on 6 to 8 hours with whites at 20 percent max. I tried lights with blues only for 2 days and it's still there. . I also tried chemi clean but it did nothing. Please advise what I'm doing wrong, pics attached