Need HELP!!!!


New member
I have a yellow tang that just got black spots on it. I have had this fish for 3 months and no problems. I just up graded to a new tank. Same fish and rocks. Just used new sand and water. Tank has been up for 3 weeks. Done a 5 gal water change and now this.. Can someone please tell me what i need to do...
Even though just used new sand and Water your tank due to the new sand and the new tank will need to go through another cycle, how severe will depend on a lot of different issues.

As for your tang it sounds like "Black spot disease" or "Black ick" But I am certainly no expert on this at all!! Check out this link it has a lot of photos, but you need to quarantine the fish for sure before you start any treatments.

Try the Disease forum here on RC and good luck!!! Wish I could be of more help, the most knowledgeable person in this area on fish diseases and treatments I am aware of would be Dave at Kermits, he is a treasure trove of knowledge about that type of thing!!

Good Luck!!
I talked to richard about it and he said they would be okay. I guess i will put him in the hospital and hope for the best.thanks