need ideas for DIY skimmer


New member
I have been looking on some sites for some ideas for a DIY skimmer and have had a few good ideas but I haven't asked here. If you have a DIY skimmer or just a good skimmer (not DIY) can you post a pic of it and how it is set up and the specs (pump your useing, size of your tank,ect) The more the merryer.
that is great I was thinking of somthimg like that . How has it worked out and Is there any problems that you have had to work out ?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6547069#post6547069 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by RockStarFish
that is great I was thinking of somthimg like that . How has it worked out and Is there any problems that you have had to work out ?
nope that design works great.