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I have an issue with a new tank. The tank is a 255 gal. and am having an issue setting it up. Here's the deal:


The tank sits flush on all 4 corners but where it is marked in red, the black trim is not sitting on the wood. In the middle of the tank, I would say there is a 1/8" gap that I can actually see under the black trim. The gap lessens as it gets closer to the corners. Do you get what I mean??? I tried to get a clear pic. of it but just couldn't. What should I do??? I had 1/2" blue foam under the tank but took it out. Should I put it back under there or what? Should I try to put shims under the black trim where there is a gap?? I hope I explained it ok. Thanks for the help. There is the same gap on the sides as well. The tank is like perfectly level if that helps.
Yea my 220G. on factory stand is basicaly just supported by corners.

What brand is it?

Can you contact manufacturer?
the builder actually told me to use the foam. So, I originally thought the bottom was sitting on the foam and was causing the issue. So, I took it out. The tank has been sitting on this stand for about 7 months empty. I got the tank new.
If builder said than I would just go with foam.

Probably will compress that much.

Hmmm,,,,,,,50+ views, no replys.
I just got off the phone with the tank builder and he said that with the tank being 34" deep that I should leave the foam under the tank but make sure that the foam is on the inside of the black trim.
Then basically cut it to fit inside of trim all the way around I guess?

yup, just make it so the trim is not sitting on it. he suggested trying to get shims under the plywood that is on top of the 2x8 stand to raise it in the middle. He said that it would brake if not:sad2:
my problem is that I have this thing built into the wall and cannot just take it off the stand to unscrew the plywood and shimm it. Its hard to explain how I have the tank on the stand. I more or less had it on the stand and drywalled the dumb thing in place. So, to fix the problem I have to trach a ton of drywall work and redo it. This sucks
I would use some foam. It's an easy and safe solution, I resolved a similar issue this way. Very nice tank btw :)

You cant lift the tank and support it on the ends so you can hammer up the ply from underneath?

no, I wish it could be done.

I would use some foam. It's an easy and safe solution, I resolved a similar issue this way. Very nice tank btw :)


are you talking about the 1/2" foam that I had under there before?? I plan on putting that back as that is what the builder told me to do. My olny easy way to fix this is to just use a ton of shims under the trim until it is all shimmed up. what do you guys think about putting shims under the black trim???
I was looking for a new tank, and Ocea Aquariums was in my top three to buy from. They are nice looking tanks and I have heard only good things about them. I can't help with your problem, just thought I would say what I know about your tank maker.