Need LED advice


New member
Hi I have a 72 gallon bowfront with two 150 metal halides with 14k Phoenix bulbs. These are located in the center of my canopy about 6" apart. I also have one single 48" T5 located behind and 1 in front of the metal halides. These are 54 w and blue plus geisman bulbs.
My canopy has a lid on it that opens and closes and I have two 24" I believe power brite LEDs that I use for moonlights.

I want to replace the LEDs on the lid and I am thinking of getting a 48" reef brite maybe xho. I was thinking white/blue.

The corals towards the front of my glass are not getting enough light in my opinion.

What do you recommend that I do?

Thank you
I think that you should eliminate the T5's and move the MH a little forward and a little closer together to the center, add a lumen bright behind the MH but not the XHO nor the white and blue the tech light will be plenty for your tank.
I have 12" on the canopy to work with plus I have the lid that opens and closes . The metal halides take up 6"'s of space and the t5's take up 3"'s each. I did a google search on lumen bright and I'm not familiar with them. Are they metal halides? Maybe I should just add 2 more 150 metal halides lol. At this point I'm ready to just buy a new tank after all the money I'm putting into this one that's almost 10 years old.
Sounds good ty roger, now I just need to make a decision since I just put those t5's in only a few months ago. Before that I had power compacts.

And thanks again for that delivery and taking a look at my setup! As you saw my fish love Roggers Reef Food :)