Need more fish poop!!!

10 anthias and some dwarf angels.

I've really been reading on anthias. Would like to get some but still trying to figure out which ones to get. Also have a flame angel but have been looking at some large ones, like emperor or queen. But I would also like to get some clams once I get my water right so I'm not to sure yet!! [emoji106]
Ok. So my calcium reactor has been off for 3 days but my alk didn't drop much. Only down to 10.2-10.5. But since I've been feeding more my nitrates & phosphate have readings now.
The SPS that weren't doing good show signs of improvement... a little color in tips & better polyp extension BUT now my forest fire and Superman digi don't look so great.
Should I keep lowering my alk to 8-9 or try to keep thing stable where they are at?? Thoughts????

Test results from this morning.
Let the dKH slowy go down to a more desirable level. As the conditions improve and the SPS continue to get healthier the consumption of ALK should increase. Mix up a batch of Randy's Two part. If your conmption doesn't increase much you will do better with dosing two part versus the reactor.
Let the dKH slowy go down to a more desirable level. As the conditions improve and the SPS continue to get healthier the consumption of ALK should increase. Mix up a batch of Randy's Two part. If your conmption doesn't increase much you will do better with dosing two part versus the reactor.

Ok. I'll let my alk drop some more. Thanks. Why is 2 part better than my reactor??
2 part is not better. Since you have it go ahead and use it. For your level of consumption a reactor is more than you need.