Need New Sump


New member
I think my 30G Glass Sump is leaking. It is always wet under my stand...just a little bit. I have been wanting to incorporate a refugium in that area, so I am looking for a sump. I am open to, acrylic, new or used. I "think" I can fit a 55G under my tank. Any suggestions? Or anyone have anything used for sale or trade? THX! :fun4:
The oceanic that I looked at has built in place for refuge and for a good size one it is only around 300.00 and includes all the hoses for the plumbing. Scott
Zanclus...Can you PM me some contact info? That is a nice sump!

Scott..Where did you see the Oceanic?

Also, if anyone has a 55G sitting around let me know...I am not opposed to working on it myself!
I know it is a ride for you but pet mart in batavia has them in stock.The number is 585-345-1114. Thye look like a great set-up Scott
Re: Need New Sump

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6963430#post6963430 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jamie2337
I think my 30G Glass Sump is leaking. It is always wet under my stand...just a little bit.
are you sure it's not plumbing that's leaking?

Pretty sure. I only have the 2 overflows into the sump and the return line. I have checked them out and they all look good. At first I was thinking I was spilling water when I topped off, but it is ALWAYS wet under there. There is a base in my sand that has been siliconed and water-proofed. I am at a loss to what else it could be. I have checked everything else out!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6963970#post6963970 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jamie2337
I have checked them out and they all look good.
Feel the lines. Check 'em around the clock for a couple of days. Are they ever wet or always dry? Sometimes water leaks are not where you think they might be. JME
But if my actual sump is leaking I can upgrade it Gary! Are you trying to foil my plan???

No, seriously, I will do that just to make sure! Thanks for the advice!
Jamie, make sure you measure both the length and the height of the new tank. You'll need room to be able to remove the collection cup from your skimmer.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6964101#post6964101 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Jamie2337
But if my actual sump is leaking I can upgrade it Gary! Are you trying to foil my plan???
oops! My bad. :eek:
A good way to find a small leak is to look for salt build up. If you see a spot where itââ"šÂ¬Ã¢"žÂ¢s all crusty, the water might be leaking from there. Usually, that will be in a spot where you can't get to, so you'll probably still need a new sump.
How are you going to get a 55 under there though? I remember you had a lot of trouble getting the 30 in there. This should be pretty interesting :p
This is a new tank and stand. It is a 125 tall. The inside of the tand measures 52" by 16". So, hmmm....I am not sure. The only store around here that has 55G sells them for $120 plus they are not returnable. So if it doesnt fit I am stuck with it!
I have a pretty nice acrylic sump for sale for $70--not sure exactly how big it is. It has a lid over half of it with a bulkhead that drains into a mechanical filter bag. No baffles. It's probably about 25 gallons and 30 inches long.

email me if interested: Thanks.
How much vertical space do you have. That would be my concern with a 55.

In reality they wind up being about 21 inches tall. Since most stands are only 30" tall and much of that space is taken up by trim work, it may prove impossible to get your hand to the bottom of the tank.

I would suggest exploring a 40 long instead. The reduced height makes access much easier.

I didn't notice a little wet ever, it was just needing topped off frequently (fresh water so there was no warning of reduced salinity).

Also, CHECK YOUR Floor. I didn't realize how much damage my leaking 37 did until I pulled up the carpet a year later. You may want to look into this issue as well.
Check the local papers. I see 55's in there all the time for all kinds of prices. One wee there was a 2x 55gal for 80 next to a 55 with stand for 500.