Need opinion: Clam OK with Coral Beauty?


New member
I have a 55 gallon reef that has a Coral Beauty, among other fish in it. I have an LED fixture coming this week, and I have been dying to get a Derasa clam. Is this a bad idea? I've heard that CB's are clam mantle nippers.
I have personally never had an issue with CB's and clams, as long as the clam is healthy. I have seen CB's pounce on clams that are stressed out and already on their way out though.
OK, thanks guys. I guess my real concern on this is in regard to the size of my tank. I've heard that the bigger the tank, the less problems. My 55 would seem pretty small compared to a 110.
Coral Bueaty with clam?

Coral Bueaty with clam?

You will never find out unless you try and like Kleine said keep the coral bueaty well fed , fat and happy...Good Luck!!!:beer:
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I have had a CB in 55g with two clams before and no problems! so dont worry just go to your LFS and make yourself happy :)