need opinion on ETSS reef devil III


New member
thinking about buying a used ETSS reef devil III, about 3 to 3 1/2 years old.

Just wondering what everyone who have experiences thinks about the performance of that skimmer model. So I can see if is even worth buying.

currently running evolution 500 model, but I am just wondering by having the bio balls and stuff inside skimmer takes up spaces in the reaction chamber. So maybe make it little less effective, compare to the reef devil design, having the bioballs stuff outside. What do you guys think??

Also, anyone used the current model of reef devil and used the old reef devil III before???
What do you think, is there a difference in performance? As far as you know is there a different in design, besides the shape of reaction chamber at bottom??

I had a reef devil & sold it for a asm g3

I thought the reef devil was noisy & the g3 is definantly worse

the g3 pulls a lot more stuff out & is a LOT easier to service!!

I did not like the reef devil that I had
I just got rid of a reef devil deluxe for and asm skimmer.

asm is the way to go.
