Need pump and flow help?


Premium Member
I am in early planning of a 300 LPS and softie Reef. I would like help with pump and flow sugestion. First let me say i Really like sequence pumps. I would like to use a Snapper as main return with two seaswirls and two Vetocity T4 on a closed loop, split by 4 each, (pumps most likelky to small) I would then need another small pump to feed skimmer and fuge.

My second set up would be a dart for main return 2 seaswirl and also feed my Reeflo 250 and chiller/fuge off the dart. With two snappers or 1 snapper on 1 T4 each split by 4, these will be on CL and turned off in the evenning, for less flow for night time feedings. The ? is set up 1 not enough flow and 2 or 3 too much for LPS and Softies?

Also what light set up. 4 150 HQI w/T5 or 3 250 HQI w/T5? Tank will be 96L x 30 W x 24T w/ 50 fuge, 50gal reservoir, 75 sump and 50RO/DI tanks for total of around 525 gal.
Thanks in advance....
You can use the snapper if you wish. I can recommend NOT using it as a return pump though. You don twant that much flow going through the pump. An Eheim 1262 should be a great return pump.

I would use a Dart, personally. You'll appreciate the extra flow. You can always divert it away from the corals. I wouldnt go less than a Dart on a 300g, and that still isnt much flow.

Seaswirls are known for their motors going bad. Look into wavyseas, though pricier.

Theres some input =)
Thanks, 1 snapper to main 2 sea swirls w/ chiller off it, 1 snapper on CL split 4 ways and another snapper split 4 ways. Total 3 snapper at less than 100 watts each would be good economicaly and provide plenty of flow i think? i might still need a pump to supply the skimmer and fuge?