Need return pump - 465 gallon capacity


New member
I have a 210 display tank on main floor of house. 90 gallon sump and 90 gallon fuge in basement below (apx 12 feet head +/-). I also have a 75 gallon FOWLR in the basement (same floor as sump & fuge) that will run apx 20 ft horizontally with a slight rise.

So, in a nutshell... I have apx 465 total capacity. 210 gallons on the floor above.

I am currently looking at the Sequence Reeflo Hammerhead.

But I am totally open to suggestions. Energy efficient, quiet, and pumps a lot of water.

thanks guys
I was running a hammerhead on my 300 for quite a while I really liked it. Put out a ton of flow, the only problem was that it was a little to loud for me. I just upgraded my tank to a 450 and i am not going to use my hammerhead due to the fact that I am putting the tank near my living room. I will give you a good deal if you want it. Runs great. Let me know
Sorry I meant to tell you what I am switching to. I am going to use 4- ecotec Vortec mp40's. I have heard people say that they were loud but I hooked them up yesterday to a friends tank and they were very quiet. They put out around 3000 gph at max and have built in controllers. They will all link together and work together so as not to cancel each other out. They are running less than 50 watts each.
rng_pw, I will be using vortech's too for flow inside my tank. But I am looking for a return pump that will be in my basement pumping up into my livingroom. With head loss, it looks as if the Hammerhead might get me apx 2750 after the head loss.

How loud was it? It will be in my basement, so I don't need it to be silent, but I don't whirling like my washing machine.

I have basically the same set up ( minus the 75 g fowlr in the basement and use a panworld 150 PS that has worked great for 2 years.

Plenty of power at much much less energy that the sequence, I actually have a ball valve on it and reduced the output some.

you might consider the 200 PS model b/c of your extra tank and too can decrease the output if you don't need it.

I have 3 vortecs in my 210 tank - and really like them too.