need slug ID


New member
saw this climbing on my front glass today and I want to know if it is safe


Its the white slug on the glass
Hard to say from that pic, but i think it's a lettuce nudibranch. Is he light green in color? if so then that is what it would be, and he is no problem at all. He will only eat your algae.

Mind you the above, the nudi can be any color from white to pinkish, and the "tufts" (meant to look like soft coral polyps) can vary in numbers. As can the nudi it's self in size.
Looks a lot like the nudibranch that showed in my tank. And yes it does eat soft corals. The one I had was mowing down my colt corals until I could catch him. The one in my tank was about 2 inches long pure white, had frills on his kind of like a lettuce nudi, and had a pointy tail. I ID'd mine from the Marine Invertebrates book I have by Ronald Shimek. The nudi is on page 348.
well, I found him and yes that is what I have. I went to go get him out and in the process he floated off behind my rocks and now he is gone.:( . Will it multiply? and how can I get rid of him?
Just keep your eyes out for them at night near to your soft corals. Manual remove is about the only way to go. They are very nocturnal creatures so be ready for night time hunts. If there is another nudi hiding out, then they could very well multiply. :(
None that I am aware of. Have a look at the links below the species description I gave up above. Maybe something was recommended.