Need some direction, guys

plate glass is fine, and window and door silicone. dont use kitchen and bath silicone, it has fungicides in it
Great! Once I have my sump up and running, I plan on adding corals not soon after and hopefully I can be a contributing member to the DRC.
welcome to the DRC coogarts! PM me with your email if you want to be on our mailing list.
Thanks for the sump link Shawn, I see some designs for a 29g... think I have a new project on my hands! Luckily I have lots of empty 10g tanks around as a base structure...
it is very easy to cut the glass panes that HD or Lowes sells they are really thin, I was able to even cut some 1/4" glass with the scoring tool they sell. The tool is like 8 or 9 bucks. You score it once and snap off the end. Be extremely careful with the cut pieces as they are razor sharp. I went with glass on glass because my friend said his acyrlic to glass didnt hold over time.

Try to place the cut end facing down in your sump/fuge so you dont come in contact with the sharp end when your doing maintenance on your sump/fuge.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6945365#post6945365 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mbbuna
plate glass is fine, and window and door silicone. dont use kitchen and bath silicone, it has fungicides in it

Yeah you wouldn't want to kill your mushroom corals now would ya :D Sorry couldnt resist!

Nice thread and great info!
Bah, my questions seem to never end. Sorry. I was talking to my father about my latest project (even though I'm out of the house, he still likes to help my with projects) and he questioned whether glass that isn't tempered can be bonded to tempered glass.

Is this a real worry?

On the plus side, I just received my mag 5 and aquarium that'll be the sump.

Tbor, PM sent.
thats right, you are not welding tempered to regular plate glass. silicon is a caulking bonding to both. or at least adherring to each. even so its not a strong connection. its flexible and can be peeled off with pressure. its not at all like an acrylic bond where you melt both pieces together with solvent and form an actual molecular weld. silicon is just surface adhesion. very weak. more of a sealant, like in the aquarium. the frame holds the plates close together while the silicon seals the gap . silicon is not a structural adhesive.