Need someone to take charge of club table at frag swap


Premium Member
Sorry to do this to you Robert, but I'm not able to do the frag swap this weekend.

My father passed away last night and the funeral will be Saturday.

So far, Robert is the only one who talked about bringing anything for the club table. Was there anyone else? If not, Robert you might as well just do the club table as yours or join in with someone else and we just don't have a club table.

I had 6 extra green sarcos and some other frags I don't know what I'm going to do with now. I had promised to bring sarcos and frogspawn for Dave and another person. Is there anyone from Memphis I can send those with?

Please speak up if there is anyone who can take charge of this.

Sorry to let you all down. I'm really disappointed as I was REALLY looking forward to this.
Thanks. You had lights you could bring, right?

You'll need approx 25 gallons of water, lights, a heater, and some kind of air pump. Someone needs to get the tank from Memfish.

I have an extra heater and air pump and can take it to Memfish and leave it with the tank. I also have a couple of 2.5 gallon water jugs if you need them.

You're in Trenton though? I can try to pick up the tank, throw in my gear and get it to someone here in Memphis to bring and meet you there.

Let's see what Robert wants to do when he sees this thread, I'll pm him too and take it from there.

Anyone in Memphis going who can take the stuff there?

Cathy I am sorry to hear about your dad. I will not get to go to the swap but if there is anything else I can do for you , please let me know .
Thanks Dave.

He was 90 and ill for quite a while, but it still is really sad and hard to let him go.
I know I am an WTRC member but I will be at the swap with my dad, Robert, so I will be able to help him too for what its worth, I will also make sure he sees this post.
I don't have anything that will hold 25 gallons, I can bring the lights, and a mj1200 if needed and heater. I will be leaving trenton around 7:00 and should be there around 10:00. So sorry about your dad.
Thanks Hurley and Snakemanvet

When we hear from Robert, he may already have everything he needs. Let's wait to hear from him and then figure it out.

I'm sure he'll appreciate the help in any case.
I think Del is also going to have some bulbs of some sort for the club table. I know Robert works in Arlington, so maybe he can swing by and pick things up. My table is going to be right next to the club table. Nick is going from Memphis, so he may be able to bring your corals for the club table, if needed. I am so sorry to hear of your Dad's death. You and your family have my sympathy.
I will be going to the swap, I am going to bring three sets of MH 250 watt. If Vicky is next to out table we could use one set on both tanks. However I seen the parking plan and Vicky is not next to us unless they changed. At any rate I will be bring 3 lights I don't have anything to carry water in so I can' t help there. I ask if anyone needed me to pickup in Memphis last weekend, that would be the last time I could make it before the swap. I will be there sometime around 9 in the moring. I will be glad to do what I can with the club table. I do have a few 96 watt bulbs to sellthere. (new) So if anyone need them they will be at the swap. Cathy sorry to hear about your dad, we can just hope he is in a much better place now. See you all at the swap, if anyone needs anything I may have in Blytheville just yell and I will bring it.
I have 15 gal blue plastic food grade barrels (may not have lids I 'm sure you could use baggies rubberbanded over the lid holes) I'm in Collierville and could meet someone in cordova- Memphis- 40 and collierville arlington. Just let me know if anyone need to use them this weekend.

Cathy sorry for your loss.
Thanks all for the kind words. I really appreciate it.

I heard from Robert. He is only bringing dry goods and doesn't need a tank. No one else spoke up about bringing frags so I guess we'll just have a club table for dry goods and forget about setting up the club tank.
Cathy, I Hope you got my PM and again I am so sorry for your loss.

I only have dry goods to sell, but I would be willing to help others set up and watch over their frag tanks if needed.

Also, do we want or need to set up anything official for the club at our table? do we want to put out some club cards, etc.

Very sorry for your loss Cathy. Expected or not it is never easy I know. Do not worry too much about getting those frags to me if it does not work out. I can get them from you at the next meeting or I will more than likely be coming in to Memphis once before then, maybe within a week or so and I can make arrangements with you at that time.
I am still attending the swap if you should find a way to get them there, I could easily paypal you the money for them as well if you would like.
I also saw the table arrangements and emailed crumbletop that I was supposed to be next to our club table and he said he is changing it. I do think we need to put out our club cards. Anyone got a business card holder and who has the cards?? I have handed out several cards. A new coworker, who moved from Nashville to Henderson, has a husband who is a long time reefer and has a 75 BF for sale. It is still in their home in Franklin until they sell the home and can move to Henderson. I sent him a card. I also hand out cards at Petco, Petsmart, Fishy Business, reefer at beauty salon,etc. Scott, if you have them please bring. We also will need the club banner to put on the club table. It is at Memfish. If no one has picked it up, perhaps Nick can. Del, I am using my MH now and it is working fine. I will be bringing it, so guess I will not need to borrow one of yours. Thanks for your kind offer to help though.