Need to get back to PA


Dr. Zooqi
Premium Member
How is everybody doing ? is been long time since I've been into reef tanks. I've been traveling and doing lots of ocean fishing south. Wish if i can make it to the meeting on October but will try my best but doubt I can make it but will be back in pa a week after that. Will have to catch up with old friends soon and looks like I will be up north for a while this time. :eek1:
Hey Mo. It's nice to see you're not dead. :)

So be honest, do you miss reefkeeping? I went fresh water for like 4 years and it was killing me not to have a reef.

Now if we can only get proof of life from Rahn and Bytor. :)
holy smokes a Mo sighting. Get back up here!

If anyone sees Tim tell 'em I say "hi". He still has one of my books out on "loan" :spin3:
HEY MO!! Good to hear from you!

I saw Tim a year or two ago. His wife has cancer and he's been dealing with a lot. Last I heard he was going to sell everything if he could find someone to buy the whole shabang at once.
How is everybody doing ? is been long time since I've been into reef tanks. I've been traveling and doing lots of ocean fishing south. Wish if i can make it to the meeting on October but will try my best but doubt I can make it but will be back in pa a week after that. Will have to catch up with old friends soon and looks like I will be up north for a while this time. :eek1:

Mo,good to hear from you .Glad to hear you may be around a bit more.Give me a buzz when you got time to throw the $hit.cell phone is still the same #