need to temporarily tear system down

Due to some remodeling and needing to have work done to our floors, I have to tear the tank down for a few weeks. I have a few corals that I'd like to sell (just to have the money to re-buy them when I set the tank back up).

Birds of paradise - $5 per frag (I could probably make 30 frags of this so if you want the whole thing, let me know).
purple pocillopora - $5 per frag
rock with zoa and mushrooms $25 (it's probably an 8 or so lb rock)
Random corals that you can have (mainly mushroom and a couple other things that I wouldn't be able to identify if you asked me to)

text me 813-944-8045 for pics

I'll be out of town on Thursday and Friday but will get back to you ASAP.
Hey bud, you helped me out when I was in need during my move a couple years ago. Let me know what you need and I can help out
Got a great big chunk, really pretty much colony size, for a great price. But I will say this is definitely not birds of paradise lol. Pink/orange flesh with teal/green polyps...could be green birdsnest, could be some sort of stylo, but definitely not birds of paradise. Whatever it is, I didn't have it in my tank and I do now and it looks great. Thanks!
Here's a photo under like 20k lighting ish.


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Still have some of this available. Reno starts on the 14th and everything has to be torn down by the 12th. Come get you some!
Yeah could definitely be that, the skeleton is more orange than pink though. Tips haven't really started growing much yet but when they do I'll be interested to see the color.