Nem question


New member
To keep or not to keep - that is the question. I have 2 nice size nems which my clowns host but I am wondering if I should keep them. If I did get rid of them the clowns would swim the entire tank (correct) and I would open up more real estate.
All opinions are appreciated. This time!!!
To keep or not to keep - that is the question. I have 2 nice size nems which my clowns host but I am wondering if I should keep them. If I did get rid of them the clowns would swim the entire tank (correct) and I would open up more real estate.
All opinions are appreciated. This time!!!

Clowns usually dont swim the entire tank. They pretty much pick a spot, and thats home. Nem or no Nem.
Mine clowns have 3 nice nems, in prime real estate, that they ignore. They just stay in their corner of the 150g 24/7.
As already stated, the clowns won't swim the entire tank. They will just another coral, powerhead, etc to be their host.