New 150 gallon build


New member
Its been a while since I have been on the threads and I rarely even post but I have a new build going on and wanted to get it posted to make sure I get input and more importantly, more eyeballs to make sure I am not doing something completely wrong or potentially problematic.

So, in exchange for a new kitchen, my wife agreed to let me reinvent my setup.


I have done some setting up already but think this will take another couple of months before getting through it all.

I used the same cabinets for the base as the ones that I used for the kitchen. 2 sink base cabinets set together.

Here is my current tank right behind the new one Same amount of gallons. 150. Footprint is 4' x 2' x 30"H


This should make transferring everything to the new tank a bit easier.
The new tank is a 150 gallon long tank and will be set up as a peninsula. I have removed the one corner overflow and plan on sealing up the holes with bulkheads.


Here is the view of the back, which I haven't figured out how to close up yet. There is still the canopy to design and I think I will suspend it from the ceiling. I'll post photos as I keep going and welcome feedback. Thanks for your time.
Wow looks incredible. Any thoughts on how you're going to close the back up? Also how are you going to match the canopy to the base cabinets?
The back is still a work in progress. I have thought to use curtains but then that would present light and mold issues. Perhaps some sort of sliding door system, magnets or velcro. The area next to the tank is going to be a craft area for the kids/ media station so it would have to be something that works with idea.

For the canopy, I plan on building a soffet that will likely be tiled with the same material that we tile our kitchen backsplash and mount lighting to the bottom of that. The soffet would be accessible on the office side so I have a place to put cords and plugs. I am hoping to do a little work on this, this weekend so I will post pics as I progress.

The manufacturer of the cabinets makes custom doors in all its styles so I will order doors that match and mount them with a piano hinge to the soffet and have them rest against the side of the black plastic brace. This will keep additional weight off the tank.

I do have a question about painting the inside of the stand. Is KilZ a good choice or this?
Nice trade. Kilz will work. I've also seen someone use something similar to the stuff people paint bedliners. I think I may go that route on my next build. It just looked nicer in my opinion.
I don't think I could get away with 2 tanks any more than most anybody else. LOL.

I am planning on sealing up the bulkheads now and I have heard that using silicone in addition to the gasket to create a more permanent seal was the way to go, and since I am trying to close it up pretty permanently, I wanted to get feedback if anyone else has feedback on this.

I don't think I could get away with 2 tanks any more than most anybody else. LOL.

Looking nice.

And so far I've gotten away with 5 tanks. 55 gallon freshwater, 40 breeder saltwater, 6 gallon jbj saltwater 3 gal picotope salt, 10 gal fresh, and thinking of setting up my 20 gal high. Just need to find space. Lol.
Picked these up last week and have them in place


I have hand tightened them in. I will probably give them about another 1/8 turn to get them snug. I intend to add a bead of silicon around the edge now after they are in place to add one more barrier of protection. They should be buried in the sand and be completely out of harms way.


Although I did think that this part of the tank now becomes the weakest point of the floor. Making me think that I should brace it perhaps with something. Even if the brace is there just to help absorb some of the stress and weight of the water. Thoughts?
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Started working on the soffet over head as well over the weekend.


Wrapped the front in backer board as I plan on tiling it with the same tiles as on the backsplash (whatever those end up being)


The backside will provide some storage for lighting controllers and power strips. Nothing too heavy. I used 2x4's in the attic in between the joists to give the bulkhead something to anchor to. (in case anyone was wondering)

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My suggestion on the bulkheads your sealing up is hard plumb one of the with a valve and a hoae barb with a small length of hose.

Which then you can use as an easy way to do water changes for emptying the tank.

on the inside a small piece os pipe and a strainer to keep critters out... and you can hide it with rocks
also can be plumbed into the system as an additional source for circulation . just need to put in a check valve if you're using it for circulation off your return...

i have mine setup as part of my return so it pushes flow from under my rocks and keeps dead spots out... and it's plumbed through a check valve but the valve i use to do water changes i plumbed before my check so i get the change water direct from the tank...

Hope this suggestion helps... saves me tons of time on water changes at least on the part of draining....
i connect a long hose and drain to my yard...

My suggestion on the bulkheads your sealing up is hard plumb one of the with a valve and a hoae barb with a small length of hose.

Which then you can use as an easy way to do water changes for emptying the tank.

on the inside a small piece os pipe and a strainer to keep critters out... and you can hide it with rocks
also can be plumbed into the system as an additional source for circulation . just need to put in a check valve if you're using it for circulation off your return...

i have mine setup as part of my return so it pushes flow from under my rocks and keeps dead spots out... and it's plumbed through a check valve but the valve i use to do water changes i plumbed before my check so i get the change water direct from the tank...

Hope this suggestion helps... saves me tons of time on water changes at least on the part of draining....
i connect a long hose and drain to my yard...


What if you have a power outage and your check valve fails? Will it drain the contents of your tank?
I was wondering the same thing. 150 gallons of water right onto the floor and the end of my hobby. LOL. I don't think I am brave enough to try this. I am hoping to never have to access these openings again. I applaud your ingenuity though.
I see you have a wire box turn it into a outlet in the ceiling. you can relocate it inside the light fixture or towards the side
Cool idea. That powers the lights in the ceiling. which is attached to the switch on the wall. There used to be a ceiling fan there. I'm not sure how I would handle that, electrically speaking.