Thanks so much everyone. Mike, just let me know. I'm right around the corner from you.
I have an auto-top of kit coming and still have to put together the doors. If I ordered them through the cabinet company, I am looking at $450 so I decided that I am going to give it the good old college try and make them myself. I should be able to keep them at around $150, I think. Then its on to figure out how to close up the back and ventilate the canopy. There's always something.
I have an auto-top of kit coming and still have to put together the doors. If I ordered them through the cabinet company, I am looking at $450 so I decided that I am going to give it the good old college try and make them myself. I should be able to keep them at around $150, I think. Then its on to figure out how to close up the back and ventilate the canopy. There's always something.