So I wanted to go back a bit and give a few more details on the build and hopefully help me push a little further. I know I always appreciate the details.
When I first mixed up saltwater for the tank, I created a snow storm. After a bit of research though, i realized it was temporary and the calcium eventually was reabsorbed back into the water.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0459_zps3d322753.jpg"/></a>
After a few hours, I combined this water with the water from the original 150, checking for salinity, temp, etc., of course.
When I first mixed up saltwater for the tank, I created a snow storm. After a bit of research though, i realized it was temporary and the calcium eventually was reabsorbed back into the water.
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt=" photo SAM_0459_zps3d322753.jpg"/></a>
After a few hours, I combined this water with the water from the original 150, checking for salinity, temp, etc., of course.